To become a millionaire, you need to go to your goal with the help of the mind, and in no way contact the crime. So parents, relatives and close people teach us. And what if not? Authoritative criminals who got millions of money with their criminal acts, sooner or later find themselves in prison. But who are they?
Frank Lucas
This is the most famous drug dealer who managed to earn $ 52 million. He turned his dirty business with the help of corpses of American soldiers - transported heroin in the United States in the coffins themselves. Despite his huge profits, he spent only 12 years in prison. In 2007, Lucas's vital history was displayed in the Grand Film "American Gangster".
José Figgeroa Agosto
The activity of this guy was also associated with drugs. He spent his frauds in Puerto Rico and earned $ 100 million. It was arrested several times: in 2009 and 2010
George Young.
This person was also called Boston George because of his origin - from Boston. In the 1980s, he transported Cocaine to America, for which he was arrested and sentenced to twenty years in prison. His lesson brought $ 100 million.
Nicky Barnes
Nicky Barnes or Mr. inviolable earned $ 105 million on drugs. Initially, he was in prison, as it was caught in drug use. After the exit to the will, he decided to continue the case with heroin, but this time as a merchant. So he earned considerable money and now when he is 81 years old, he feels great.
Pavel Lir Alexander
El Loko Parito or just Alexander - True Businessman. He worked very interesting: controlled the supply of cocaine in the United States and at the same time helped the government to catch other smugglers. He accumulated in this way 170 million dollars, for which he was convicted for 12 years in the United States, and after the end of the line was sent to his homeland - in Brazil, where he was sentenced to 42 years of conclusion. Interestingly, in 2011 it would be released on the will, but he earlier managed to escape and still was not found.

Women Jean Hong
This personality was engaged in selling drugs in the pharmaceutical companies of Mexico, under the guise of pseudoephedrine. Actively working in Mexico, Hong Kong and the USA, he earned more than 200 million dollars.
Joseph Kennedy
This is one of the most influential political figures in the United States and a magnificent businessman. He was engaged in illegal alcohol trade and all this during the dry law. He also scooped and sold real estate, was the head of the bank and in 35 years already became a multimillioner.
Ricky Ross
Ricky in the 1980s distributed Cocaine, earned $ 600 million. In 1996, he was convicted, and already in 2009 released. In 2014, he issued an interesting book about the history of his life.
Raphael Kintero Karo
Rafael, along with her brother, organized Kartel Guadalajara, this in Mexico. It was convicted for 40 years, but not for drugs, but for numerous murders. Nevertheless, he earned $ 600 million on this dirty case.
Hoakin Gusman Loora
Forbes magazine in 2009 recognized Loore as the most powerful person in the world. This drug trap was arrested in 1993, and in 2001 escaped, bribing the guards of the prison. In 2014, he was arrested again in Mexico.
Al Capone
The world famous gangster, which was arrested for non-payment of taxes. Conclusion was sentenced to 11 years, but only 8 served, died due to a stroke.
Grizelda Blanco
The only woman (black widow) on this list, which earned $ 2 billion. In Colombia, she controlled the huge flow of cocaine, in 2012 was shot by one drug dealer.
Carlos Ledcery
Cartel Founder Member in Colombia. He transported cocaine from South Florida to Colombia. Earned 2.7 billion dollars, but is still in conclusion.
Brothers Rodriguez Orekhuela
They created their own cartel "Kali" and received $ 3 billion profit. Initially, they were engaged in smuggling marijuana, then cocaine. They were arrested in 1995 and are still in conclusion in the United States.
José Rodriguez Goncalo
Member "Medellin", managed to earn $ 5 billion. Killed more than 20 people and made a self-made, using a grenade. Interestingly, about a thousand people came to the funeral of this terrible person.
Hong Sa.
Engaged in drugs and transportation of weapons. Organized his own army to participate in the Civil War and assigned $ 5 billion.
Brothers Ochoa
Juan David, Jorge Louis and Fabio Ochoa initially started their business with the opening of the restaurant. Then they mastered the sphere of the drug business, assigning 6 billion dollars. Now they are already free.
Amado Carrillo Fuentes
He became the leader of the cartel, killing his boss Juarez. Deliving cocaine from Colombia to Mexico, earned $ 25 billion. In order not to find it, he changed his appearance with the help of plastic surgeons.
Daud Ibrahim Kascar
This man organized terrorist operations, sold drugs and weapons. Making $ 6.7 billion, it is still wanted.
Pablo Escobar
A person has many names and is the most famous drug trap in the world. He was also a member of the Liberals Party in Colombia and many people loved him. In 1993, he was killed on charges: drug smuggling, bombardment, murder, bribery, corruption and money laundering.
These people borrowed inconceivable money, engaged in dirty affairs. Is there such activities of this money? Unlikely…