The owner in the house is not the one who acquired an apartment or who disposes of the budget, but the one who can clean the pipes in the kitchen, clean the toilet to the cloth, nail to the nail wall. It is very important that in every house and the apartment there was a person who can cope with such duties. Let's consider today what to do when the toilet clogged.
Overview of methods
Plumbing devices, despite their longevity, in any case, we clog and require cleaning, so that sooner or later your plumbing will require this, as if carefully you did not try to avoid it. It is clear, you can immediately replace it with a new one, but do not forget that it will be very expensive for you, and every time it is extremely stupid to change the toilet when it is too stupid, because it will be easier to deal with the stamps on your own.
The causes of the blocks are different, but the most private from the existing are tough water (which gives deposits in the pipes), the precipitate from feces and other substances falling into the toilet. Often, the carelessness and inaccurability of the owners becomes often caused, which by chance thrown into the toilet wind, rags, pickles, etc.
When the toilet clogged, there are three ways to solve this problem:
- Call masters (service is not cheap)
- Change plumbing (even more expensive)
- It will cope with the ground (not difficult and free of charge)
Determining the degree of blockage
Frequent causes of the ground:
If the drain pipe is installed incorrectly, the angle of inclination does not match the norm, the deposits in the pipes will be accumulated very quickly, and the unit of the toilet will not have to wait long.
If there is no full ventilation - the blockage will immediately appear in the toilet, and you immediately learn about it.
The improper operation of the toilet and its components (for incomprehensible reasons in the pipes, children's toys, building materials, rags and other foreign objects, which should not be there) are provided).
If it is time not to flush pipes with special chemical compositions, the blocking of the toilet becomes inevitable.
Before you begin to remove the toilet bowl, you need to figure out how clogged it is. To find out this, you will need to pour into your toilet only liter of running water and carefully look at how fast water will leave. It is not worth a drain from the tank, because in modern tanks as much as six liters of water and if the blockage is serious, all water together with the contents of pipes is polished across the edges of the toilet and the problems will become even more.
In order to determine the scale of the blockage, you will need to open the cranes in the kitchen and in the bathroom, and make sure that the blockage is not global and it concerns the exclusively drain toilet pipes.
It is very important to engage in periodically preventive measures - pour chemical compositions in the pipes, but it happens that such events do not save the provisions, and the blockage in the toilet is still formed. In this case, you can use various methods for solving the problems that we now and consider in more detail.
Folk remedies
Well, where without them. So, first will need to try to dissolve the blockage with the help of the funds that each house has vinegar and soda:
- First you need to get rid of excess water. You will have to learn water, leaving a small amount at the bottom.
- Now pouring the strips of soda (you can buy in any store product) and push it as far as possible and deeper.
- After that, pour into the toilet 250 ml of vinegar or acetic acid.
- Immediately after that, the stormy reaction will begin, and it is worth waiting for its ending (it will last at least 15 minutes).
- While the reaction in the toilet occurs, place the kettle with water on the stove and wait for her boiling.
- After the soda-acetic reaction passed, you can pour a whole teapot boiling water in the toilet (this hot procedure is not recommended if the corrugation attached to the toilet is made of too thin material, most often, it is plastic).
- Most often this method is effective, and the blockage is removed from the sewer pipes for 20-30 minutes.
If for any reason you do not like this way, or you consider it too aggressive for your expensive plumbing, you can resort to the following methods.
If the block is not global, and the water from the toilet leaves, but not very fast, then you need to use the usual vanatoux, which should be at home for everyone. If you did not have it, you can purchase it in the near construction store at a low price.
There are also chemicals to remove a blockage:
- Flup
- Tyret.
- Mole, etc.
These funds are considered effective, but at the same time, you should not forget that they are quite aggressive (because there can be a free cloth, hair, building materials), so it is worth using them with extreme caution, they very quickly come into contact with the skin and corrupt it, It is also preserved and mucous.
The method of using them is written in detail in the instructions, which is located on the pack of your chosen.
Next method - Mechanical cleaning:
- Pull out water from the toilet
- We put on the hands of the gloves and wander deep into the toilet one of the hands, trying to find the cause of the blockage (this method is effective, if there is a foreign object in the form of a cloth or some toys).
- Remove the item from the pipe and rinse the toilet with the reservoir of the water from the tank.
Now you know which there are methods for cleaning a blockage in the toilet. Each of the above, in its own way good and more efficiently, so, from which method to start and what to choose - the case of everyone.