Signs for Easter for Marriage

Signs for Easter for Marriage

Easter - a bright Christian holiday. The Christian world celebrates the resurrection of Jesus the Savior. The holiday has no accurate date, but the time of year is only spring. Spring awakening of nature adds joy and solemn mood. But the celebration is rooted in the period before the birth of Christ. Therefore, there are still pagan rites into Christian customs.

The celebration of this holiday has many beautiful rites. For unmarried girls, the signs and rituals and even fortune tells on a good marriage are especially interesting.

The most popular tradition-divination for Easter for young girls is to try 12 different Easter cakes. If a week after Easter, the girl managed to taste so much easter from different owners, then in that year will certainly marry. Even in the modern world it is easy to follow this tradition, because it is very pleasant to share Easter treats.

From receipt, the sign of the weather will be remembered: if on the day of the resurrection there is bad weather, then all year will be heavy and with the wedding it is better to postpone, for marriage may be unsuccessful. But if there is solar light weather - then the marriage created this year will be strong and long.

As for the rites - the simplest well-known rite to marry a good person - you need to come to the Easter service in advance, in no case is it impossible to be late. "Sonam" will get someone beds.

In addition to the day of Easter, a whole week of preparation for it is important. In pure Thursday, girls can hold a rite to attract a husband. It acts even on those who long can not get married. On this day you need to swim and wipe off a clean towel. And on the day of the resurrection of Jesus, you need to give asking alms at the church, together with shards and cake, which the girl should prepare personally.

Four girls enjoyed conspiractions. Especially strong they become at the time of holidays. Easter conspiracy to marriage sounds like this: "Christ is risen, and to me the groom." Or: "How much burned candles in the service, so much the slaves of God (your name) of the grooms."

After reading here a little about Easter rites for marriage, you will choose the one that suits you, with a strong desire to wear a cherished ring, follow everything from the article. But it should be remembered: the wedding is only a pleasant ritual, and family life is a permanent job. We wish to hold good Easter days, and that your marriage is long and happy!

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