Rest in Mexico

Rest in Mexico

Mexicofederal republic on the south North America. TO all thinking o M. exike, is to yourself usatoy mexican v poncho and sombrero on the head, playing zadornna on the guitar.Here for tourist available immersion v peace ancient civilizations, pleasure beauty colonial architecture and monumentality modern buildings. V this article we talk o Mexico, culture which possessed unique sunny colorite.


Climate Mexico very various: on the north dominate subtropicsa on the rest territory climate tropical. Middle temperature v south regions fluctuate from +24 before +28 degrees, v then time how v north regions average temperature not exceed marks v +24 degrees. Climate Mexico strongly depends from relief locality. for instance, v located on the height 2300 m. Mexico City average day temperature make up +15 degrees, but on the more small heights she will near +18 degrees. Pacific coast is different most moist and hot climate, summer temperature there not happens day below +30, a at night - less 20 degrees heat. Along coast Caribbean seas temperature winter not more +23 degrees. Atmosphere central regions Mexico heats up v april and mae. before maximum marks v +26 degrees day, at it is sharp fall v night time before +10 degrees.

Distinguish two basic climatic seasondry and wet. Season raines have to on the summer months and september. Especially abundant precipitation along Mexican bay, from coast whom before peninsula Nizhny California passes northern tropicso called the border climatic zone, north which dominant moderate climate, a southtropical. If planning journey v Mexico, remember, what the end summer and start autumnperiod strong tropical hurricanes, and most. suitable time for trips will winter.

Traditions and customs

W. Mexico rich cultural and historical heritage. Before settlements on the territory spaniards on the this earth thousands years lived self developed indian tribesmayan and azteci. Great influence on the culture preded nearness to America. So mexican culture - it mixture cultures self different peoples. Especially notice dual  character origin mexicans v their robe, sharp different v addiction from traditional accessories district. Men traditionally dress up v white shirts and trousers from cotton, sandals and  sombreromexican head jacket, made from skeley chayote. If on the street. chilly, then above dresses special cape with neck for headsarap.

Mexicans very religious, love music and all manner of holidays. Begins celebration always with church services, then is tableful and v conclusionmusic, dancing and colorful representation.

There is w. mexicans such unusual celebration, whom more no or w. whom. It called heDay dead“, and v it expressed all philosophy mexicans o unity life and of death. Begins celebration with arrival on the cemetery  and remembrance dead relatives and close, after what all begin have fun, a children permit overeat sweets, cooked v form coffins, skulls and skeletons.


Mexicans love lot and with pleasure eat, that's why big part the population suffer from excess weight. Mexican kitchen located v list heritage UNESCO, and her the oldest recipes thoroughly protected. V mainly mexicans cooked corn, beans and rice. TO uhnya counts one from self sharp, although on the the actually acuteness dishes imparts availability sauces and dressings.

Necessarily try, visiting Mexico, all manner of baked on the the coals cakes from corn flour tarteel and, taco, burritos, fajitas, beautiful submitted with crunchy potatoes or fragrant rice.

Not costs forget, what hot chocolate  and cocoa have mexican origin, and served these beverages here with most diverse spices, even with pepper chile.

More often total mexicans are eating chicken and meat. From meat meals necessarily order fried, finely chopped beef with garnish from beansCarne asados“, and satisfying soupragout from meat and avocadoambassador“.

Use v food seafood spread only on the coast. From fish meals mexicans very yummy cooked dishes from cod and langusta, a also all manner of soups with seafood.

On the dessert taste sweet bread with filling from dried fruit, corn souffle, mango under fur coat from cream and various fruit puddings.

AND certainly try mexican celebritytequila, which local people prefer drink very slowly, savoring each thimbleful. contrary to everyone view done she not from cactus, a from juice blue agave. If want to try real tequila, look on the the label bottle inscription: « 100% blue agava» or « 100% agava». besides tequila, from juice agave produced more two popular v Mexico strong drinkit pulque and mezcal.


Mexico long since famous his mastersartisans. masters pottery affairs, weavers and carvers on stone create truly unique works art. On the local markets can acquire to yourself such beauty v quality souvenir. Most main, not remember thoroughly to wrap up your purchase in avoid breakages in time fleet.

Can acquire v quality souvenir unusual decorations from silver or unique figurines and masks indians Huichol, done from beads. The foundation products clay, and v she already pressed or bonded beads.

Very popular v quality souvenirs ligament mexican pepperchile or local sauces on the basis spices. AND certainly, most. warm memory o Mexico will brought thence poncho.

Attractions Mexico

During the rest is worth visit pearl Mexicoresort town Cancun. Here truly paradish places with snow white sandy beach and calm turquoise sea, very developed infrastructure entertainment, and each recreation will find to yourself class on soul.

Do not forget to view pyramids ChichenIts.. Sacred town mayan, founded v 9 century, located near Cancun, what very conveniently for tourists. Here there is on the what look: pyramid Kukulkom, consisting from 9 platforms, ancient temples, ruin, altari. offering victims and astronomical observatory.

Evaluate underwater kingdom islands Cozumel. This most surched w. tourists resort country. Underwater peace islands with beautiful coral rifami unusually various. Summer can admitted on the big marine turtles, sailing here for shipping yaitz. Ferry before islands gone directly from Cancun.

Look museum sculptures under water. Statues are located v district Cancun and IslaMukheres, their purposecreation additional space for life coralov and marine residents. Look exhibition museum can only lowering under water.

Lovers nature. necessary visit v national park ShelHa. Situated he near Playa.delCarmen. Impassable mangrove thickets, hot lake and noisy waterfalls, grottoes and bay fight you their splendor.

Visit perhaps most popular among tourists placeancient town mayan Teotiuacan, v which set up self famous pyramids Sun. and Moon. Name cities translated howplace birth gods ". Here same can look on the former when-then samoa big pyramid v worldpyramid Cholula. Now she several destroyed, a on the top ruins settled church.

Useful advice

V each country there is their defined peculiarities, for example such, how mode work v Italy or mandatory compliance defined etiquette at meeting v India. If you gathered v Mexico, costs take into account such little things:

  • So how seismic activity v Mexico  enough-taki great, go v zones surroundings large volcanoes categorically forbidden.
  • V Mexico level crime one from self high v world, that's why visit cities planning on the day, a order taxi do only on telephone.
  • The shops v Mexico opening not previously 9 hours in the morning and finish work near 7 hours evening. V sunday majority of them not working, so what purchases planning implement among weeks.
  • V Mexico adopted mandatory gratitude serving personnel v size couple. dollars drivers and porters. V restaurant costs leave tips v size 10% from amount check.
  • Voltage electroset v Mexico less, how w. uStotal 110 B., so what dry fenom have to several lady. Purchase adapter can, how rule straight v hotel.
  • If planning visit mining areas or tropical forests, in addition to mandatory registration medical insurance, follow do row vaccinations, v number which prevention malaria, against hepatitis A and B., abdominal tyfa and yellow fever.

Estimate all rich diversity this country per time tourist trips, certainly same notmaybe, so same how and describe his v one article. but v country tequila and zhaughterhood poker chile miss to you for sure not have to.

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