Rest in Montenegro

Rest in Montenegro

Montenegro - European country whose territory belongs to the Adriatic coast of the Balkan Peninsula. It has a land border with Croatia, Herzegovina, Serbia, Bosnia, Albania, the Republic of Kosovo. The name of the state is like dense " black Forests "located around the circumference of rocky vertices. Montenegro and other " italianized"Title - Montenegro. Capital - Podgorica, Language - Chernogorsk, Chassis - Euro.

Climate Montenegro

Alpine weather prevails in the mountains, and on coast - Mediterranean climate. V populated habitat locations are characterized as moderately continental. The central regions prevailing the subalpic factor, which is why there is somewhat cooler than on the coast of the Adriatic Sea. Summer in the seaside zone is roast and dry, often this weather continues to deep autumn. Winter against - Wet and speed. Bathing season opens in April and lasts october. During this period, the sea temperature at the coastal zone varies within + 20 + 26 oWITH.

Tradition I. etiquette

Indigenous residents are friendly and endowed with an excellent sense of humor. Their life is measured and leisurely, which is more characteristic of the countryside. The streets of the city are absolutely safe for tourists: well covered and are under the supervision of video cameras. Chernogores are allowed to carry weapons for self-defense purposes, but it is strictly prohibited against the guests of the country.

If you want to visit the temple, then you should know: the woman is unacceptable to step into the shrine with a uncoated head and in pants. You will not see pH DLi donations, because the money is custom-made in an open place. Acts flexible restriction on the photo- and video shooting strategically important objects. Often such places can be recognized by the sign installed on the territory where depicted crossed camera.

Walking around the city and going on trips, carry a few photocopies of passport, moreover it is desirable to hide them in different places. Hello accepted a handshake, only the closest people are hugging and kissing each other. If you are going to visit, necessarily Take a small gift or treat owners Houses.

In Montenegro, the majority of the population - smokers. Here it is allowed to smoke in public places and transport. At the same time meet a drunken Montenegrins - a rarity. Staying in the country, adopted by the European style of clothing, be polite and alert, as in crowded places Albanians there ri ck, etc.oyavleniya extremism.

important information


The vast majority of the inhabitants are Orthodox Christians, others are supporters of Catholicism and Islam.

customs control

On the import and export of currency is not limited, but it is recommended to declare large amounts. Such procedures are extremely simplified. For example, without the payment of the fee can be accomplished carriage 50 cigars or 200 cigarette2 liters of wine and 1 liter fortified drinks. Historical and national values \u200b\u200bcan not be exported, except with the special permission .

transport Rentals

Rent a car you can only if dispose at least two years of driving experience, international standard certificate, 150 300 euro mortgage, and you are at least 21 years. Important to know: in populated points permissible speed of 40 km / h on the highway - 70 km / h on the highway - a maximum of 120 km / h.


Montenegro and Serbia code +381. You can call the police on a short number - 92, acute care - 94, traffic police - 987, fire department - 93. Mobile operates on the GSM standard which is convenient to use roaming. During their stay in the country cost-effective to buy a temporary card from a local telecom operator, recharge card bills to which you can buy in any store.

The shops

Working time food supermarkets starts at 06.00 and ends at 21.00. Other marketplaces begin work in 0900. V popular among tourists places shops are open longer.


populated points are connected by bus. In the season of high-flow bus tourists set clock mode. Inside the city there is no public transport, with the exception of the capital. The locals are used to overcome short distances on foot, and who need to drive - use the services of cheap Taxi.

attractions Montenegro

Island St. Stephen - probably the first attraction where tourists take photos on the memory, if lucky enough to check in to the hotel. After all, there are only guests here. Isthmus of land to the island - the natural, which is a rare natural phenomenon. Also be sure to visit the monastery of Ostrog. The construction is located in the mountains at an altitude of 900 m from the sea level. In the monastery buried relics of the miracle worker Basil of Ostrog.

Admire the breathtaking views can be of Boka Bay or the observation deck. Bay is a Immerse yourself in a river canyon. Do not miss the opportunity to visit the ancient city of Montenegro: Herceg Novi, Cetinje, Budva, Ulcinj. The first lies at the foot of the peaks Orjen and is called by the people "cities 1000 steps" due to the hilly terrain. Also be sure to visit the mausoleum of educator and former ruler of the country Peter Njegos.

Souvenirs and shopping

Most common souvenir is a cap - Montenegrin headdress in the form of a round cap, the upper part of which - scarlet. Capa is the symbolism of Montenegro. Black border - it is sorrow for past glory, gold stripes - year yoke, red top - spilled blood. These hats complement the coat of arms of the old or the new sample.

Cups, plates or carafe - a traditional gift assortimen ttowari. Low cost and high functionality. These souvenirs will certainly complemented the inscription «Montenegro»That will be constantly reminded of the wonderful trip to Montenegro.

Montenegrins - a deeply religious people. Orthodox shrines ubiquitously. Rumor has it that before somewhere in the depths of the country was a village, where the number of churches in line with the days in a year (!). Each of the temples equipped trading shop where you can buy hand-written icons, crosses and other religious and spiritual goods.

Excellent solution - a glimpse into the bookshop and buy a deluxe illustrated edition of Montenegro. Fashionable women are lucky enough to find some original design gizmos and accessories. The proximity to Italy is the opportunity to buy exclusive jewelry at a reasonable price. Also, as a souvenir from Montenegro you can bring wine " Vranac" and " Krstac"Brandy. Before leaving home, make sure you take olive oil.

Cuisine and restaurants

The local cuisine is divided into 3 categories: Italian, local, fish. W. coastal Areas The culinary focus is put on seafood. In the highlands prefer to prepare meat and dairy products. In Montenegro, people love natural healthy food and more, so ordering anything in the restaurant, remember, the portions are huge here.

Highly hot traditional dish National Chernogorsk cuisine chorba - Thick soup, more resembling stew. The main ingredients for the preparation of this culinary masterpiece are noodles, fish, crayfish, meat and vegetables. It is worth noting that chorba It happens different in composition and consistency. Do not refuse myself in my meadow yagnenkomCooked on milk. Awesome taste is due to the addition of potatoes and spices.

To save, rent accommodation Instead of hotel number. The cost is significantly lower, your own kitchen and bathroom will have its own location. And about buying real estate can be read here. Save on transport, moving on foot: Get acquainted with the city and residents, buy souvenirs and taste the culinary delights of Chernogorsk Harcheven. Regarding Nature Security: Beware of Kohnpad in the mountains, meetings with marine hedgehogs and poisonous viper.

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