MotoBool with your own hands, scheme and drawings

MotoBool with your own hands, scheme and drawings

Creating a motorcycle will require certain skills and skills, however, if there is a correct drawing and explanation, it will not turn into an incredible obstacle. Below we describe in detail the whole process of creating this mechanism.

Moto Creating: Engine Choice

The benefits of creating a motorcycle will be especially tangible in difficult terrain. The mechanism has a small size, requires a ridiculous amount of fuel, easy to repair and control. In fact, this is a tracked block on a motor that simplifies the process of towing cargo. Accordingly, the most important detail of such "crafts" will be the engine. We recommend choosing a model W-58 from the old Soviet moped for the following reasons: it is relatively cheap and offers manual control of the gearbox. Any other small engines that will be at hand are also acceptable to use. For example, the common choice is spare parts from Yamaha and Honda. It is better to take a two-stroke engine, as in this craft it will not be too lightening the four-stroke.

Selection of the right parts for motorcycle

As the main element of the control, we will need a steering wheel with an integrated gearbox switch, clutch and gas, for example, from the same motorcycles of Soviet samples. For the running part, support bearings are needed, and the sleeves in size, plus the support frame. Make it easily from water pipes. To give them the right shape, the pipes are filled with sand, clocked and with the help of a solder lamp gently bend, pre-fixing in vice. Next, the components are sealed with welding sticks, in accordance with the reference design. When it can be seen that no defects need to be edited, the details are finally welded.

Engine installation and motor trays

To secure the engine on the frame, it will take billets from pre-prepared sheet steel. At first they are applied to cardboard and customized under the frame. From the sleeves, bearings and shafts will be created collapsible shaft. Due to the distribution of loads, the rear axle will lead. Therefore, to the rear shaft, you must welcome the drive asterisk connecting chain transmission with the checkpoint. Composite wheels for the motorcycle will consist of 2 three-cheeks of 3 mm, steel soils and rubber sleeves, quenching vibration.

Moto Catering Production

Ideally, for this part, we take a conveyor belt about 220 mm. Tracks make from birch slats, 1260 mm. In length, fixing parts by bolts M6. The final design is similar to driving a moped. The steering wheel is fixed on the frame by means of 2 pipes fixed on the fork in the form of the letter P. The plug is strengthened on the rear axis the welded steel washers. Since the engine is located inside the caterpillar, the kickstarter will have to be slightly improved. To do this, we take the cutting pipe and place the lever drive at its end, after which we fasten them with welding.

The drawing and explanations for it can be found in the picture above. Also see a detailed video on how to make a motor office with your own hands.

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