How to find out the planning of the apartment

How to find out the planning of the apartment

The planning schemes of the apartment are stored in BTI and in construction companies that were erected by the building. If you do not have access to these organizations, we advise you to use our recommendations to familiarize yourself with the drawings of the housing of interest.

Definition of planning apartments in a series of project

There are several ways to solve this problem via the Internet, but it all depends on the year of the construction of the house. The buildings built in the 50s and later were raised by re-use projects, which was given the number of the series. Apartments in the same type of buildings were built in one drawings. The marking was assigned depending on the period of mass housekeeping. For example, "Khrushchev" were built according to projects "1-510", "1-511", "K-7", etc., "Brezhnevka" - according to projects "P44", "P55". Drawings of typical houses were developed in the State Unitary Enterprise MNEITP, you can also find out the series of the building of the building. After defining a series of home, enter in the search engine a phrase of the "Layout of a three-room apartment of the NNN series", you can add clarifying information, for example, the "apartment scheme with a linear location of the apartment." Often this is enough to solve the problem.

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Definition of planning apartments by photography

You can try to find a layout if there is a good building image:

  • Open the "Maps" section on the Internet.
  • Enter the address of the house of interest.
  • Examine a photo of the structure - define the floors, the material of the walls, the year of construction.
  • Go to sites with images of houses of various types and visually find a similar building.
  • Further, according to the house of the house, find the planning of the apartment in typical buildings on the Internet sites.

The search for the planning of the house is difficult due to the fact that the buildings of one series have different coloring, floors, the design of facades and roofs.

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Getting general information about planning an apartment

On the Internet there are free sites (,, where you can get general information about the schemes of apartments. To obtain information, enter information about the region in the site on the site page, in which the building, wall material, floors, the year of commissioning is located. The more provide information, the greater the probability of finding information.

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Definition of layout of modern apartments

For information on the planning of the apartment, we recommend contacting the construction company. There you can see apartments in an unfinished house. The developer is determined by a plate that is located next to the construction. As a rule, construction companies quickly agree to show the desired drawings for promotional purposes. It is not necessary to come personally into the company's office. Often firms create sites on which detailed information on the planning of new apartments is provided.

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Determination of the planning of the apartment in the old house

The buildings built up to the 50s were erected by individual projects, and to look for apartments in such houses on the Internet does not make sense. The planning of apartments in such houses can be found only in the Passport of BTI. The document is issued by residents to coordinate redevelopments, it is also necessary for the privatization of housing.

Usually the technical passport is attached to the package of documents of the owner. The passport shows the following information:

  • Address at home with apartment, year construction, building material.
  • Floor plan at home and apartment. Black lines in the diagram mean the planning of the apartment in the initial version and approved changes. Red lines fix illegal changes in the apartment.
  • List of premises with their functional purpose, indication of the area of \u200b\u200beach room.

To obtain a technical passport, contact BTI and submit the following documents:

  • The application is drawn up according to the sample, the form is issued in the BTI.
  • Passport or other document for which you can identify.
  • Document for ownership of the housing.
  • Power of Attorney, if a stranger turned to BTI.
  • For Jurlitz, the presence of a warranty letter.
  • If illegal redevelopment was performed in the apartment and it is necessary to restore the initial type of construction, and there are no such information in the BTI, it is necessary to contact the archive of the city construction department.

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You can get information about the planning of the apartment without leaving the apartment. On the Internet there is enough reference material to analyze the features of the apartment and plan their steps to acquire or redevelop housing.

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