How to register in Yandex Taxi

How to register in Yandex Taxi

To urgently use the service taxi, you are great for mobile applications for order, such as Yandex Taxi. This service is distinguished by a large selection of trips classes, and most importantly, you can immediately add the number of your bank card and email to send accounts. Of course, for ease of use of the application, you first need to go through the registration procedure. Repeat the procedure below to become an authorized user of Yandex Taxi.

Download Mobile Application "Yandex Taxi" through Google Play or App Store. The installation will take a few minutes, depending on your internet connection.

Go to the app, it will automatically determine where you are currently. Click on three features in the upper left corner of the screen, so you can get into the application settings.

In the settings, pay attention to the first line where the "phone" is written. Click on it.

In the field on the screen you need to enter your mobile phone number, which you use most often, and from which you will receive calls from the service.
Entering the number, click Next.

For a few seconds, you will receive an SMS message with an account activation code. Enter it in a special field on your screen and click "Next".

Now near the "Phone" graph in the menu you will see your mobile number to change it, click on this line.

Under the big button, "continue" you will see the blue link "Log in to another account." If you need to change your phone number, or you will forget the SIM card at home, then you can always ask for a friend to enter his number and thus order a taxi through the same service.

Add your bank card to pay for your trips to one click. You will only need a travel phone in the city by taxi. Click on the Orange "Add Map" button and go through the bank card registration procedure in the system. It will take a few minutes.

Optionally, enter the email number. There you will receive accounts for all the perfect trips, a kind of receipt, this is especially important if you are on a business trip and you need reporting for all expenses.

Now you are fully authorized in the Yandex taxi system and you can travel, having only your phone with a stable Internet connection with you. Using this car order service, you get a convenient service, fast delivery and budget prices.

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