How to restore a damaged file

How to restore a damaged file

If any file on your computer does not open because of the system error - do not rush to delete it, especially if the information recorded in it is very important for you. Try one of the ways described in this article. If none of them help you, try to contact any computers repairing center - specialists will definitely provide you with due assistance. In the meantime, try to restore the file yourself.

How to restore a damaged file using programs

  • You can make a choice in favor of any file recovery programs, such a software sometimes happens even to antiviruses. In this article, the example of the RS File Repair utility will be taken, you can download it by reference with the name utility on the official website, please note that the program is not free if you need a free software, then look at such programs as Munsoft Data Recovery.and R.Save, plus that they have the same principle of operation, and this article will become instructions for them too.

  • Find in the list of programs to recover exactly the one that returns damaged files, click "Download".

  • After the download is complete, double-click on the saved file and start setting. Select the program language and click OK.

  • Read the Recommendations on the screen, close the remaining active applications so that nothing prevents the installation process. Click "Next".

  • Read the Agreement License and click "I accept."

  • Select the program installation directory. If you have two disks, do not install the program on the disk if possible.

  • Installation is almost completed, you can click on the "Set" button.

  • As soon as the recovery program of damaged files is installed, remove the checkbox from the "Show file Readme file" and leave to "Run RS File Repair".

  • All your work in the open program will be enclosed in this small window called Recovery Wizard.

  • Lay a small icon with a folder and click on it to select damaged files.

  • Select the folder in which the file is located, click on it and click "Open".

  • Select "Forward" to continue recovery.

  • Two methods are available to you, if we say simply, then it is a "deep" and "surface" methods. Of course, it is better to give your preference to the first option, but it will take a little longer.

  • Specify the path to save your recovered file by clicking on the word "browse". Do not forget to remove the checkbox from the "Overwrite Files WITH THE SAME NAME", otherwise this option will erase all the files that have the same name. It is better to save everything you have at the moment in that directory.

  • The example selected desktop. Click "OK" and then "FORWARD".

  • After a few minutes you will see the restored file on your computer's desktop, or in another selected early folder. If the file occupied a large amount of memory, then you have to wait a little longer.

How to recover damaged files online

A variant with the installation of a special software is suitable for users who have to do such a procedure often, or with a large number of lost files. When you need to restore some small documents or photos, it is not at all necessary to install programs, since your choice has many online services. For example: utility from munsoft., Online recovery officereCovery.Or own service at discretion. For an example will be taken by the last site.

  • Go to the online file restore. Select the download of your file to the portal by pressing the "Overview".

  • Once you choose the desired file and download it, click "Download and Recover".

  • The whole process will take from a few seconds to ten minutes, depending on your speed of the Internet.

  • After completing the recovery, download your file. Please note: if you do not trust the service that use, enable your web antivirus.

Now you know how to just restore your damaged file in two ways to choose from. If none of the steps helped you, contact a specialist: perhaps the document suffered serious changes.

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