How to make money on aliexpress

How to make money on aliexpress

Aliesspress has long attracted many people as a resource for earnings, and it is not surprising, because the playground is very popular, and the goods on it are inexpensive. Earn on Aliexpress You can in several ways.

Earn on Aliexpress resale products

The most popular way to earn with Alioppress is a resale of goods. It seems that everything is simple, you just need to order what is popular at the moment and resell in your city with a good markup, but there are nuances and cons:

  • the law of each country provides for the amount of the parcel costs, to exceed which it is impossible. In Russia, the customs limit is 1000 euros per month. It would seem quite a lot, but in fact a big business will not be built with such conditions;
  • it is impossible to order a lot of identical things in one parcel. By law, if there will be many identical goods in the parcel, then this is a product for sale that needs to document and pay extra 25% of the cost of goods. And the design process is very long and heavy;
  • the demand for goods can fall sharply, which is often with fashionable things. Today is popular, and tomorrow is no longer, and the goods will remain so.

Resell goods S. Aliexpress It is easier for social networks, you just need to create a group and advertise it a bit.

Earnings on Aliexpress

Earn money on Aliexpress through dropshipping

Aliexpress provides its customers with the opportunity to send parcels to different addresses, which can be the basis of a business. In this case, no custom limits are scary, as the goods will be sent to different addresses and different people.

The essence of earnings is that you create groups on social networks, there advertise goods with Aliexpress, indicating the price with its markup. If a person liked the goods, then he orders it on prepayment (full or partial), and you, accordingly, make an order for his name and address. Dropshipping does not require any attachments on your part, which is a huge plus.

Minuses are only two:

  • long wait. Parcels can go 2 months, which may not like the client;
  • product quality. Not always things with Aliexpress are characterized by good quality, but you will not pre-check the thing you can not before sending the client.

Earn on Aliexpress helping when ordering

It would seem that who will pay for their help when ordering, but in fact not all people understand the Internet, and make an order on their own for them very difficult. That is why such people are ready to pay a little to help them find the right product and issued an order. This option is good because it does not require investments and you are not responsible for the quality of the goods and delivery time.

Affiliate program to make money on Aliexpress

If you have your blog, website or group on social networks, then you can earn Aliexpress With the help of an affiliate program. To do this, place an affiliate link to the site on the page of your resource, and from each perfect purchase after the transition to your link will be credited 8-10% of the cost of goods. If the link will be held 10 people and make orders in the amount of 300 dollars, then you will receive 30 dollars of partnership deductions. The more popular your site is the higher the earnings.

Make money on aliexpress via CashBack

Cashbek allows you to return a part of the purchase cost, usually from 3 to 10%. For earnings, offer people our services as an intermediary for free, but make all orders through cachek services, so percentages from shopping will return to your personal account. This is the easiest way to earn money with Aliexpress..

Aliexpress gives its customers the opportunity not only to purchase goods at low prices, but also earn. It is only worth choosing the most suitable way of earning.

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