How to pull the cartridge from the printer

How to pull the cartridge from the printer

In each printer, such a situation arises when the paint ends in the cartridge and it is necessary to somehow get it for refueling or replacement. If everything is done correctly and neatly, it will not be much difficulty. The main thing is not to rush anywhere and in no case apply gross physical strength.

Why pull out the cartridge from the printer

Sooner or later the moment will come when you need to get a cartridge from the printer. This need may appear Taks reasons:

  • the text is printed bad or too pale;
  • it ended in ink or powder;
  • on display printer Or on the computer monitor, the error caught fire;
  • on the printed text there are blots, divorces or stripes;
  • the paper sheet is stuck and stopped the device.

How to pull out the cartridge from the printer - define manufacturer and model

Before proceeding with the direct replacement of the cartridge, you need to find out the printer model and which cartridges are used in it. Different printers use different cartridges. Write yourself a manufacturer and model. The name can always be found on the front side of the device. If there is no such information, then look at the opposite direction - there information There is always. You can still take a look at the first page. instructions books. Knowing a model, enter the "Printer Cartridge" on the Internet (Your Model). Your task to see at least A photograph, as he looks.

Remove the cartridge from the printer

Turn on the device, to Get access to cartridges. There are models of printers in which you want to turn off the power to replace the cartridge. Turning on the device is distributed among Inkjet models of the printer.

Turn on the printer, extend on yourself or lift it with the cover. In the jet printer, you will find a block that moves to center Devices are a cartridge. Each model has its own individual opening mechanism. You may have to click on the reset button and then open the lid. In the laser printer, the lid just need to pull over.

The cartridge is not so easy. Everything will depend on the device model. To disconnect, open the thrust mechanism or press the retainer, holding the cartridge, inside. In newer printer models, the cartridge gets very simple: it needs to be taken for a protruding handle and pull at an angle of 45-60 degrees up. You may need to clamp a reset button for a few seconds, which will delete the cartridge. After performing these manipulations, you can remove the cartridge.

How to pull the cartridge from the printer - precautions

  • The process of extracting the cartridge must occur with minimal effort. It will not be superfluous to read the instructions.
  • In order not to get possible injuries, remove the clocks, bracelets and rings. So you also protect the printer from damage.
  • Do not leave the light cartridge, especially under outdoor sunlight. It will pernicably affect his further work.
  • Taking out the cartridge, be careful and attentive, you can make not only your hands, but also clothes.
  • Try to immediately install a new cartridge. Otherwise, some elements of the device dried, which will affect the quality of printing.
  • Cempide printer cartridge necessary Very prompt. Seized - refueling - inserted back. Without painting The element in the device quickly dried ink.
  • Laser models quickly and strongly heats up thermophilic aster. Be careful - do not bother.
  • Before starting the seizure of the cartridge, it will not be superfluous to remove the paper so as not to spoil it.

The main thing, do not be nervous And do not rush when extracting, you don't need to pull anything through force. If the cartridge does not get, then you do not need to break it out, perhaps you do something wrong. Look in the instruction in advance, and not after breakdowns. If the instructions are not, then detailed information about your model can be easily and quickly found on the Internet. Please note that there are specialized forums where you can get an answer to any question on this topic. In the extreme, visit the service center, where you will tell you in detail showlike out your his The printer is retrieved cartridge.

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