How the juniper is planted

How the juniper is planted

The juniper needles is predominantly soft, various green shades, sourcing a thin fragrance. Different types of juniper externally differ. This is not a whiminous tree / shrub will make a highlight in the design of the site. Depending on the type you can grow a carpet, a melanchie, or a slim tree of 30 m high.

Juniper with the exception of an ordinary juniper, planted on sunny plots, otherwise it will grow loose.

Saplings with an open root system are planted in August-September or April-May. During the landing of the roots are processed by a row or another drug, stimulating root growth.

Saplings Open. roots.

Container plants are planted throughout the season. Before that, their 2 hours are kept in the water.

The landing pits are digging at a distance from 0.5 m to 2 m from each other, depending on the expected sizes of the future crown. The pit is 2.5 times more excavation koma, depth up to 70 cm.

At the bottom of the pit is laid out the drainage layer of the broken brick with sand, 25 cm thick. The roots fall asleep with a mixture of peat, clay turf and sand in a 2: 1: 1 proportion. For the Siberian Juniper, the amount of sand increases 2.5 times. Virginsky juniper takes 2 times more clay turf.

The soil acidity should be from 4.5 to 7 pH, depending on the species of the plant. When landing on the acidic soil of Cossack and Asian species of juniper, you need to add 80 g of Dolomite flour or hazed lime to the pit.


In large plants after landing, the root neck should rise above the ground level by 8 cm. Little seedlings should be at the level of flower beds.

After landing, the juniper is watered, the hole falls asleep with sawdust. Once a week in the evening, the seedling spruels with water. Especially hard to carry the dryness of the air Chinese and ordinary juniper.


Juniper is unpretentious, grows slowly, so in pruning it almost does not need. The main thing is to remove dry twigs in time.

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