How to enter the safe Windows mode

How to enter the safe Windows mode

Safe mode in the Windows operating system is certainly an important computer operating mode. It is in it that you can delete various advertising banners and windows, work with the system when detecting the virus or changing it when the usual mode does not load. Perhaps you have repeatedly tried to enter this mode from your computer or laptop, but all your attempts were in vain. This article will examine in detail the process of entering a safe mode, possible combinations on the keyboard and their sequence. Try to try them all, if you do not know which one to choose.

How to enter the safe Windows mode from under the system

There are two ways to enter into a safe mode: from under the system and directly during its load. The first method is much simpler, since you do not need to guard the right moment and press the right combination many times. It is enough to just select the system settings and save them. At the next launch, you will immediately enter the safe mode. However, this method will not work if you cannot at all enter the usual Windows loading mode. If there is no such problem, then feel free to start the instructions:

  • At the same time, click on the keyboard Win + R or Win + K on Russian layout.

  • After a few moments, a new “Perform” window will appear on the screen. You need to enter the MSCONFIG command without quotes.
  • Click “OK”.

  • In the “System Configuration” window that appears, go to the “Loading” tab.

  • It is here that you can install a checkmark on the “safe mode” parameter. Now the computer will load in it.

  • Please note that several subparagraphs are available to you in a safe mode. If you choose the minimum load, then you will not be available to the network and command line parameters, not primary drivers.
  • The point “another shell” gives you the opportunity to use the command line.
  • The “Network” item includes the Internet and local so that you can use the Internet in safe mode.

Click “Apply”, and then “OK” as soon as you finish the setting. Now restart the computer and you will be in safe mode. To get out of it, you will need to make the same manipulation, but already having removed the checkmark from the “safe mode”.

How to enter the safe Windows mode while loading the system

The second method implies the use of combinations directly while loading your computer. This is useful when you cannot enter the usual mode, or you cannot realize the first method.

Its essence is to press the F8 or F12 key immediately after your computer logo appears. Please note that the key responsible for entering the BIOS parameters is always different. On most models, this is F8, but there may also be F12, F7 and F11.

Sometimes, on one key there are several tasks and the only difference is when you press it. For example, often F8 first determines from which source the load will be, and only then, after a second or two, is included in the BIOS parameters.

You need to press the key as often as possible immediately after the appearance of the logo, you can read your key at the bottom of the screen. Remember that time is very difficult.

As soon as you can enter the parameters, select the “safe mode” loading and click Enter. Having completed all the necessary combinations inside the safe mode, you can simply restart the computer - it will boot in the usual mode.

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