Working in the Word editor, the user can not only type text data, but also insert various kinds of mathematical expressions. The latter, in turn, often require the construction of a numerical or letter expression into a degree. The postulation of the feathering sign may also be required in the traditional text document, for example, when setting the number of footnings. How to solve this kind of task - read further.
Degree in Word 2003
Regardless of the version of the text editor, in which you work, the degree is made by using an adhesive sign.
In case of operation in Word 2003, the user needs:
- Dial and highlight characters that will be located above the row level.
- Now you need to go to the fonts section. You can do this by clicking the right mouse button, a set of "hot" combination "Ctrl + Shift + +" or through the "Format" menu.
Important! Using the combination of "Ctrl + Shift + +" the plus sign should be pressed at the top of the keyboard, and not on the side.
- In the window that appears, proceed to the modification section.
- Install the "bird" mark in the field.
- Confirm the action by pressing the "OK" key.
How to set the option of installing an end-sign in the control panel?
- Go to the toolbar parameters.
- Next, go to the add or delete buttons.
- In the formatting section, mark the item is long. Now he is put in the toolbar.
Degree in Word 2007 and further
In the later version of the text editor (2007 and hereinafter), the first symbol has already been put into the toolbar. It is represented by the icon of the form "x 2“.
For the degree of degree, the user needs:
- Install the cursor in the place where you want to specify the degree (any letter or numeric expression above the text line).
- Go to the toolbar. Next, in the main section, you should find a block of fonts and click on the "X" icon 2“.
- Prescribe the necessary expression. To return to normal mode, you must repeat the icon "x 2“.
If the user does not find the icon you need, call the window of operation with fonts is possible and by pressing the keyboard key "Ctrl + D". Next, you should install the "tick" in the string of the Fast (section of the modification) and click "OK". After completing the work "to degree", do not forget to repeat the same actions again and squeeze the established check box.
Degree in Word - Working with Formulas
The formula section is advisable to use if in your document the exercise to the degree (and other mathematical expressions) are quite often found. How to find a section formulas?
- Working with Word 2003, go to the parameters of the toolbar. Next, call the section for adding or deleting buttons. Opening the settings, go to the commands tab. In the left field, choose "insertion", and in the right - "editor of formulas". Drag it to a comfortable place on the control panel.
- Working with Word 2007 or 2010, go to the "Insert" tab. Next, in the symbol block, find the formula.
- Working with Word 2013, you also need to open the Insert tab and go to the symbols. But now the formula you need "hid" in equations.
Choosing a formula or equation, go to insert a new formula. Next, select the "index" option and prescribe data from the degree.