How to make an aircraft interval in the Word?

How to make an aircraft interval in the Word?

Comfortable perception of text has a positive effect on the digestibility of the information presented in the document. Not only the style and font size affect the perception of the text, but also the distance between the rows. These vertical gaps are called a firm interval. How to install or change this interval in the Word text editor?

Installation of the required substrate interval in Word 2007, 2010, 2013

If you want the settings installed to be used throughout the test document, install the cursor at the beginning of the document and immediately go to the setting of the required interval. If only part of the text needs in the correction, pre-highlight it, and after the interval setting.

  • Open the document in the Word Editor.
  • Determine which part of the document (or to the whole text) the parameters of the intrarocal interval will be applied.
  • Go to the control panel. You are interested in the main tab, and in it - the section "Paragraph".
  • Find a pictogram with the image of horizontal strokes and the vertical arrow (its ends "look" up and down).
  • Click on it.
  • If you only need to change the vertical distance between the strings, you can select one of the standard intervals offered by the editor in this drop-down list.
  • If it is necessary to install different from the above interval options, select the string of other options for the rigorous intervals.
  • A table will appear, filling the parameters of which, you can configure the appearance of your text in the maximum compliance with your needs. As for the distance between the rows, you are interested in the window with the name "Firm".
  1. Among the lines of the fallen list, choose the item "accurate". In a nearby window with the title "Value", you prescribe the vertical gap between the rows you need.
  2. If a standard interval is needed to increase several times, use the "Multiplier" item. In the side window ("value") indicates the number indicating the multiplicity of zoom.
  • Click "OK".

Installation of the required intra bed interval in Word 2003

When you work with an earlier version of the editor - with Word 2003 - user actions will be somewhat different.

  • Opening the Word document, go to the Control Panel into the "Format" tab.
  • Next, in the drop-down list, select the string "paragraph".
  • After that, the same window appears in front of you as when working with newer versions of the editor. Further actions are described above.

Installing the interval between paragraphs in Word

To determine the magnitude of the vertical gap between paragraphs, you can use:

  • Rows of the main partition of work at intervals - add an interval before paragraph or remove the interval after a paragraph by setting the checkbox opposite the necessary items.
  • Workpieces at intervals in the section "Page Markup".
  1. Go in this tab to the "Paragraph" section.
  2. In terms of the parameters of the interval opposite the string "to" specify a distance of 1 paragraph, opposite the "after" item prescribe the distance after the first and subsequent paragraphs.
  • Section Changes in Styles of the Home tab.
  1. Click the "Style Change" block.
  2. In the drop-down list, mark the string of the interval between paragraphs.
  3. Next, a list of variants of this type of vertical intervals will appear.
  4. Choose either one of the standard options or install user intervals for paragraphs.

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