How to make an advertisement in the Word?

How to make an advertisement in the Word?

The capabilities of the MS WORD program allow you to make documents in any convenient format, including ads. Especially such types of ads will be useful, for example, when you need to remove, sell or buy a specific thing or object.

Creating a simple announcement

Step-by-step instruction:

  • First you need to create a new document. You can do this in different ways: in the required folder right-click and select: "Create a Microsoft Word document.

  • After the document is created, select the optimal scale of the document. This can be done by pressing the pictogram located in the lower right corner.

  • We enter the necessary text and highlight it.

  • On the main tab, choose the necessary font and size.

  • We choose how the ad will be located: in the center, right or left. In the Home tab, you can also apply another formatting of the text: formatting by paragraph, an amreter interval and other necessary parameters to obtain the necessary source text.

  • Advertisement is ready for print.

Print ads

  • When the announcement is ready for printing, you must view the print version, it may differ from what is shown on the screen. To do this, click: File / Print. Here choose the number of copies.

  • You can also change the orientation of the sheet. To do this, in the same menu item, where the document orientation is indicated (book and landsca), you must select: landscape orientation.

  • Select the options you want to click: "Print".

Target announcement

This type of ads can be made using a table.

Step-by-step instruction:

  • In the Home tab, we find the "Table" button and click on it. Select item: "Draw a table."

  • Place the table with the necessary number of columns. For example, you need to make 10 tear-off sheets where the phone number is mostly indicated.

  • It is very easy to draw, when it is, a "Draw a table" button is pressed, a pencil will appear, with which you want to portray the required number of columns and rows.
  • Now the uppermost cells are combining. In order to combine them allocate them and press the right mouse button. Select the command: "Combine Cells".

  • We enter the main text in the already merged cells.

  • Enter text in the cell where the phone number will be specified.
  • In order to change the text directions, select the necessary text, then press the right mouse button and select the command: "Direction of Text".

  • After this command is selected, a dialog box appears, in which different options for the direction of the source text will be proposed. Choose a more convenient option.

  • You can apply for both one cell and immediately for the whole text. To immediately turn all columns, you need to highlight the entire text and select the command again: "Direction of Text".
  • Now you can edit the text according to the necessary parameters (highlight the text fat, place text in the center). This editing can be carried out in the Home tab.
  • Announcement can be copied to the entire sheet using a key combination. To do this, select all the announcement (CRT + C key combination) and insert down the document (the required number of times to press the CTR + V key combination)).

Actually, thanks to this not a complicated way, you can make an ad that will eventually use it easy and conveniently use.

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