How to install a program on a computer

How to install a program on a computer

If you are not an experienced user of the computer, the installation of programs and utilities can cause difficulties. Of course, a single installation instruction is absolutely any program and cannot be, the main thing is to understand the principles of which you install. Read the instructions in the installer carefully, follow what ticks you are installed. With minimal knowledge of the English language, you can install even English-language software: you can always use online translators.

In this article, you will find a visual example of installing the program using the example of Adobe After Effects with an explanation of each steps. Try and you install any software on your computer.

It all starts with obtaining a distribution - a special application that will set the program to your computer. Sometimes it is a whole folder with different components, and sometimes - just one file. Of course, do not forget that there are portable programs. Their feature is that they do not require installation. You just open the program when you need it. Distribution You can download from the Internet, get from the disk purchased in the store and other media.

In this case, there is a large directory of folders with various files. You need the one that has after the name of the ".exe" console. This is an executing application and, in most cases, it starts the installation. Click on it twice to run.

If the program requires additional components, then, as a rule, you are warned about their installation in advance. In this case, the Visual C ++ package is required. A tick near it needs to be put immediately so that in the future the program has worked correctly.

In the second line, a typical advertising event is visible in installers. It is because of it that you must read all the lines carefully. The installer offers to install the starting page in the browser a certain site that the user is completely needed. Such checkboxes need to be removed. The built-in offer of the installation of Yandex Bar, various antiviruses, Mail.Ru agent and other starting pages is also common. Read all rows in the installer and remove such offers.

First, the additional software will be loaded, only then the main program will be installed. You may be asked to agree with the license agreement, it contains the basic rules and prohibitions, including the ban on the distribution of this software.

Wait for the installation of additional content.

Now select the directory directory directory. By default, all programs are installed on the C drive, but if you have another drive, it is better not to put software on C. Leave it to the needs of the operating system. In this case, there are no longer hard disks on the computer. Therefore, the installation will be performed on with a disk.

Wait until the installation is completed. Depending on the scope of the program and performance of your computer, some components can be installed in just a couple of seconds, while others are up to an hour. Do not try to interrupt the process, it's better not to touch the computer and go on your own affairs.

After the installation is completed on the screen, the picture will be changed or a special notification will be displayed. At your request, select one of the items that will start the program or just closes the installer.

Your program will be in the folder you indicated earlier. Also, some software automatically creates a shortcut on the desktop to have quick access to the program.

Despite the fact that each program has its own way to install, now you know its approximate algorithm. The main thing: attentive reading of everything that is written in the installer.

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