How to delete Windows OLD

How to delete Windows OLD

After reinstalling Windows 7 and older versions without formatting the hard drive, the user can notice that the space on the system disk has sharply decreased, and it takes it a decent Windows OLD folder. You should not send it to the cart manually - there are special means for correct cleaning in the new Windows.

Why do you need Windows OLD?

Considering the fact that the user can lose some important data when reinstalling the OS, the developers from Microsoft decided that until the age of the old wine files on the system disk, without harming for the new system, can be moved. It looks like a kind of backup, which will bring the owner of the PC additional benefit. In Windows OLD, you can find configuration files, registration data, pick up information from the desktop and personal folders, if it did not work out earlier, transfer games to the workspace of games and other useful things. If there is no need for them, the folder can be safely removed.


We delete Windows OLD your own tools 10

So, to embody the planned, call the command line with the hot keys of Win + R and enter "CleanMGR" without quotes in it, press ENTER. The built-in hard disk cleaning program will start, which automatically analyzes, will find and show you files that can be deleted. If, after this procedure, the folder with the name of Windows.old is not found, tap the button "Clear system files" in the cleaning manager window (administrator rights will be requested). In the window with the new result, leave the flag next to the Windows Previous Setup folder. Click OK to confirm. Search and delete can take some time. If removal does not happen, use the command RD / S / Q C: \\ Windows.old Or run "SETUPCLEANPTASK" through the task scheduler.


Remove win.old in Windows 7

If you try to first delete such a folder manually, it can be erased only partially, and "Cleanmgr" will not work. Therefore, it is desirable to produce all manipulations, according to this manual. To remove Windows OLD in "Seven", let's go to "My Computer" and the right mouse button on the disk on which the unnecessary folder is located (presumably C :). In the context menu, select the "Properties" item, in the "Clearing disk" window that appears by the window. After the initial analysis is completed, we click the "Clear system files" button that appears and wait until the next stage of analysis is run. In the list of files, "Previous Settings" will appear. We leave a tank opposite it and click "OK" for final confirmation.

Usually listed above action is enough to remove Windows.old. If you still have any questions, pay attention to the exhaustive video explanation:

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