How to remove Avira.

How to remove Avira.

Avira is one of the top free antivirus programs created to protect computers and their contents. It is constantly updated, is a fairly effective means of combating viruses and malicious software, has an easy and understandable interface. However, for those who still want to remove it (when updating Avira, its reinstallation or transition to a new antivirus), we will tell you what ways you can do it.

To begin with, you can try to delete the Avira anti-virus program with standard tools using Windows. For Windows 7, the deletion process is as follows: through the "Start" go to the section "Control Panel", and from it in "Programs". Here we find "programs and components", where we find the necessary us in the list of installed programs, that is, Avira. Click on it and press the "Delete" virtual button. Next, confirm the removal and activation of the OS firewall, and after the end of the removal process - and reboot the computer.


If you have installed Windows XP, the removal method of Avira is slightly different. In this case, it is also moving through "Start" to "Settings", and from them - to the "Control Panel". In the "Control Panel" we find the section "Install and Remove Programs". The process further passes by analogy with the removal of Avira in Windows.


In order to remove the Avira anti-virus program in Windows 8, go to the quick access menu. To do this, click on the mouse (right-click) at the bottom of the initial screen (in the left corner) or use the "Windows + X" key combination. From the quick access menu, go to the "Programs and Components" section. In this section there are all installed on the device of the program, including the Avira we need. We find it and delete similarly as the above-described Windows 7 operating systems and Windows XP.

Removing Avira Anti-Virus using Windows - the procedure is simple, but it does not provide complete removal of the product. Only a special program can cope with this. For example, Avira RegistryCleaner. Download it, unpack in the folder with the same name. Next, open and by clicking on the regcleaner.exe file, give a program into action. As a result of the actions, the main window of the specified program will open, where we need the "SKAN FOR KEYS" button. Click on it, running device scanning. In the process of scanning, Avira RegistryCleaner finds the "missing" uninstalled version of Windows, and we can only allocate them. I celebrate the "Select All" checkmark and complete the process by pressing "Delete". Then confirm the deletion procedure by clicking "Yes" to the system request.


Separately, we will dwell on the removal process in the key registry after using the test version of Avira. To do this, via "Start" launch the registry editor by entering "regedit.exe" and pressing the "Enter" key. Then we find the folder "HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE", in it the "Software" folder and there - the "Classes" folder. Here we need a file (80B8C23C-16E0-4CD8-BBC3-CECEC9A78B79), the removal of which will complete the complete removal of Avira.


After performing all the actions described by us, you can be sure that the Avira anti-virus program is completely removed from your computer. As a visual addition to the article, we present you a video instruction on the removal of Avira.

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