One of the search engines called Webalta can without your knowledge to establish malicious extensions on PCs for various browsers. Users who grabbed the virus are wondering how to remove Webalta. The annoying start page of the search engine does not change, and it delivers many inconveniences. Deleting and reinstalling the browser does not solve the problem. If your antivirus program missed WebALTA to the system, then you will have to use the following recommendations for deletion.
We go to the control panel - installing and removing programs. We find here "Webalta Toolbar", after which we remove using the corresponding button. Next, the window will open in which you celebrate the checkbox "Remove Tulbara from browsers". This is the initial action that we carry out before the rest of the steps for the final removal of an annoying search engine. This action will help partially remove the malicious expansion in the system. And only now you can begin to complete and final removal.
Scan the registry. Open with a combination Win + R "Run" menu. Copy the "Regedit" command to this window and click "OK".
In the operating window of the registry, we go to the search: "Edit-Find". We enter the WebAlta request and wait until the system scans the registry for the availability of appropriate entries and keys. After the search is completed, we remove all the elements found. After cleaning, once again scan the registry using the F3 key. Delete the record of the malicious search engine until the system stops them. According to statistics, you will need to do about seven passes to clean the registry.
Browser cleaning. If you use Mozilla, go to the "C - Documents and Setting" directory. Here we go to the folder with your username. Next, we go in the direction of Application Data-Mozilla-Firefox-Profiles-XXXX.Default. Instead of XXXX, there may be letter or digital values. This document is opened using a notepad. We find in the document two rows with the "HTTP Webalta RU" record, change it to any address you want to use as a home page.
If you have chrome, we go through everything in the same directory "C - Documents and Setting". From the folder with your username, go to the Application Data-Google-Chrome-User Data-Default. We find the file "Preferences" and open it through a notebook. All references in the document "Webalta" delete. Next, save the file. When you start the browser, set the start page. After cleaning, restart the computer and try to open any browser.
The posted step-by-step instruction will help you get rid of annoying expansion. In order to do not "pick up" the same problem in the future - update your antivirus program or replace it from another developer. Make sure that the version of your browser has always been relevant. Check on the developer's website new available editions. Developers are constantly working on improving their programs, but attackers find all new bars in defense. Your task as a user to track updates and use the current software for the study of the Internet.