How to delete a folder in Windows 10

How to delete a folder in Windows 10

With the Windows 10 output on the PC, the ordinary user has encountered a variety of changes in the operating system. Seriously updated the appearance of the OS, but the conductor was left practically intact. And this means that we do not have to look for new ways to delete files and folders (with a rare exception, which is a little later). Let's start with simple, finish less well-known, but very useful.

Deleting a folder in Windows 10 through the context menu

The most common way to eliminate the folder in Windows, regardless of version. We click on the right key on the desired folder and see the same context menu. When using a trackpad on a laptop, we tap the two fingers. If you have a tablet, then clamp your finger on the desired folder. These actions cause a similar menu. We need to "delete". We click on it with left mouse button, confirm the removal and - voila - the case is done. Below the picture, red highlighted the desired item.

Using Ribbon panel to delete the folder in Windows 10

You should not be afraid of the name, so decided to name the upper exit conductor panel in Microsoft. In that conductor, it is caused by pressing the arrow in the upper right corner, right under the cross. Through this panel, you can delete the folder permanently, without enlaring to the basket. We look at a detailed screenshot.

Delete on the keyboard to remove the folder in Windows 10

Everything is clear from the name. Click the mouse to the folder, looking for the Delete key on the keyboard and press it. After confirmation, the folders did not happen. Here you can mark the hot combination of the SHIFT + DELETE keys. This will allow us to delete the folder without saving it in the basket.

Mass deletion of folders in Windows 10

If you need to delete multiple folders, then in Windows 10 there are the necessary tools. The simplest, this is the allocation of the mouse.

  • We clamp the left button in the upper left corner from the area you need and pull to the bottom right angle (you can start from any angle). In this way, we allocate the desired folders and delete using the above methods.
  • To quickly highlight a plurality of unnecessary folders, use SHIFT. We highlight the first in the folder section, clamp the key and remove the rest with the arrows.
  • Selective removal is possible thanks to the Ctrl button.

Remove the "stubborn" folder in Windows 10

It happens that the folder unnecessary to us when you try to delete various errors and does not want to disappear from the computer. We hope that this is not a malicious software and consider a more common problem.

  • Most likely, the folder is already used by another program. For example, I could not delete the Firefox browser, because I looked through it video on YouTube.

  • A similar error will appear if you are trying to delete a folder with the music that you are listening now. Usually the problem is solved by closing the appropriate program. But sometimes it does not help. There is a difficult way to solve with the participation of the task manager, but we better turn to third-party software. Unlocker comes to the rescue. It is in general access and will not be difficult to find and download it on the Internet, since it is completely free. After installation, an additional item will appear in the context menu with the name of this application. My example using Iobit Unlocker, but the principle is the same. The program allows us to unlock the folder and do with it, anything.

  • In Windows 10 explorer, compared with previous versions, a new item onedrive appeared. This is a cloudy Microsoft storage, built into the system. But you should not worry, delete folders and files in it the same.

Windows 10 is a huge leap in the development of the operating system. At the same time, visual changes in the conductor, on the desktop minimal. Designers and engineers of the company reacted with understanding to ordinary users, leaving the most elements unchanged. Therefore, to use the "dozen" convenient and habitual. It is necessary to hope for further development with the focus on convenience and simplicity.

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Michael 07/05/2018 at 17:22

I also had a problem with the removal of a zero-length file and a stupid name (at the end of the point). Windows 10 operating system. The problems did not solve the utilities. Renamed folder in FAR, in my case downloads on downloads1. I removed all files from the downloads1 folder, except natural that is not deleted. I went to the command prompt with the start of the administrator. I went to the folder that contains downloads1, in my case CD C: \\ Users \\ Mikhail. Then deleted the downloads1 folder with a file that is not deleted: RD Downloads1 / S / Q What / S and / Q You can find out by typing on the HELP RD command prompt

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