It happens that on an important document you allow an error, although the leaf itself is important for you and it is impossible to rewrite it. If you wrote all the data with a pencil, then there should be no problems, but, as a rule, all official documents are filled immediately in ink. To fix the flamns and leave the surface of the paper clean, try one of the proposed methods below. Be careful, as you need to consider the type of paper from which you remove the blot. If it is bright, or has a embossed surface - you need to act neatly, inflicting the means only on the ink line and not particularly decide. Check your hand at first on the block of unnecessary paper and only then - on the official document.
How to erase the paper handle without traces with acetone
On the usual sheet of paper easily displays ink acetone. Take in household chemicals store any means for removing varnish, which contains acetone. As a rule, such funds from girls are not popular, so they are not enough.
Apply a drop of this product on your cotton wand and start lifting ink faster. Pay attention to the fact that acetone will destroy very quickly and work with it even faster. First, you put the sheet of paper several times, then with light movements, as it were, erase the error.
Let the paper finally dry and evaluate the result.
How to erase the pen with paper without traces: blade
Pretty old and well-known way that our grandparents also used. As a rule, children who knew how to use the blade with a special talent, enjoyed great popularity in school and removed bad estimates from diaries for remuneration.
In this way, it is true that you can remove the blot completely unnoticed, clinging only the top layer of paper, however, for this you need a skill and a solid hand. Take the same sheet of paper and work on it until the perfect removal of the layer is.
After that, picker your blot to the blade, gently cut it down and write the desired letter in the place. Be careful with blades, as they are very sharp.
How to erase a pen with paper without traces: small stacker
It will only suit rough sheets, such as letters or landscape sheets. The essence lies in the fact that the blot is scraped by the corner of sandpaper, then it is maintained by a clean napkin.
To rub the paper with a napkin in order to smooth out the protruding villi after using the sandwich. Of course, if the blot is located directly on the cells, either on the other pattern, then erase without a trace, such ink will be extremely difficult. Try not to act beyond the letter or other flaws, but in her place to write the right little more size.
Choose the sandpaper the surface of the finest grain itself and not particularly sharp so as not to damage the sheet.
How to erase the pen with paper without traces: paste from soda
One of the most effective methods that is ideal for white sheets. Its preparation is happening like this:
- Several pinch soda are bred with water. Waters need literally a couple of droplets so that the consistency remains thick.
- The paste is applied to the blot with a cotton wand and rub it a bit, leaving half a minute.
- If the ink entered too deeply, take a toothbrush and swell the place its tip.
- Gently wipe the soda with a paper napkin.
The sheet needs to dry in the sun and put under the press from books so that the surface remains smooth after drying.
If it is aligned, put another sheet on it above and endure the iron at the minimum temperature.