Perhaps every person awaits the summer. After all, for someone it is a long-awaited vacation, the opportunity to buy in the gentle sea, and someone is waiting for the arrival of the summer to collect a rich harvest of berries. One of these delicious and useful berries is blueberry. In our article we will talk about the benefits of blue fruits, where and when to collect them.
Incredible use of blueberries
You can talk about the benefits of berries for a long time. Folk healers call the fruits of blueberries an indispensable medicine. And lovers to collect berries, they say that the work that was involved during the harvest is returned with great gratitude. The useful properties of blueberries include:
- reduces the level of "bad" cholesterol;
- minimizes the risk of infarction and stroke (including repeated attacks);
- favorably affects the musculoskeletal system (reduces pain in the exacerbation of osteochondrosis, arthritis and arthrosis);
- increases the possibility of sinking thrombus, prevents the development of thrombosis;
- improves vessel condition;
- creates a powerful barrier for the development of nervous disorders (scientists have been proven that people who regularly use the blueberries, less often suffer from depressions and are experiencing stress);
- prevents the appearance and even stopping the development of cancer cells (blueberries helps minimize the risk of breast cancer, stomach, intestine and urogenital system);
- improves eyesight (there were cases when the use of blueberries restored the vision of elderly people);
- effectively struggles with microorganisms causing colds (ink tea contributes to a speedy recovery and protects the body from possible complications);
- helps get rid of bloating, constipation, intestinal colic.
Where and when to collect?
Blueberry is growing almost in all localities of the former USSR. Especially it is much in the Caucasus and in Siberia. If you do not live in these regions, do not rush to despair, because wild blueberry bushes can grow in the near forest. If there is an opportunity, ask for local residents about the collection of blueberries or talk about this topic on the forum of your region. Blueberries can begin to collect already in the second decade of July. But experienced berry collectors, the harvest is beginning only in the second half of August. Before going to collect useful fruits, please note:
- blueberry bushes grow in coniferous forests (the plant loves moistened soil and shadow, look for wetlands);
- berries are recommended to assemble early in the morning or at sunset;
- so that the fruits are not deformed, collect them with bare hands (do not worry that blueberry juice can paint your fingers, it is easily mounted);
- be sure to get acquainted with the appearance of blueberries, as the beginners of berry gathers can easily confuse it with wolf berry;
- fuely to the right tara (it is better to collect berries in a small plastic bucket, which can be hung on the neck to be involved both hands).
How to collect blueberries?
Ripe berry during the collection can easily succumb to deformation, so a hurry is not the best option. Choose only large ripe berries. Blueberries can be assembled:
- manually - this is the oldest and proven method, in an hour of effective collection can be filled with a liter jar. Start tearing the berries on top of the bush, separating the fruits from the twigs (some clusters can be broken together with leaves, which also bear huge benefits);
- with the help of a manual combine - there are special combines for collecting useful berries, the device resembles a large comb, with the help of such "teeth" berries are broken and moved to a special compartment (many craftsmen make such devices at home from a plastic bottle and metal wire).
- with the help of a vacuum motorized device, such equipment can be purchased in specialized stores "Garden and garden", a berry is broken by a vacuum pump.
The technique of collecting berries is individual for everyone, with time you will have experience. After collecting blueberries, immediately proceed to its processing, as the berry is stored for a long time. Be sure to beat the fruits and rinse under running water. Blueberry, which you do not plan to use in the near future, it is necessary to freeze.