How to make a bouquet of strawberries?

How to make a bouquet of strawberries?

Well, what holiday without a bouquet? It is clear that the bouquet is not a major gift, but an excellent addition to him, but without it a gift will be defective. You, of course, can go to the flower shop and buy a bouquet of flowers - but it is so trite, especially since all guests of the celebration will also do not and the fact that the holiday will not be the same bouquets. Despite the fact that today in such stores expanded the range of goods, it is still a bouquet of flowers is a constant classic, and if you want to surprise the culprit of the celebration, then it will be from strawberries made with your own hands, exactly what you need. Let's take a closer look at how with your own hands without help to make such a bouquet.

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If the culprit knows that the bouquet made with her hands, and not just bought in the store, he understands that its value grows at times, so this fact should also be borne in mind. It doesn't matter how much the event is waiting for you, the reason in this case does not matter, because the bouquet in question is suitable for them, without exception. So, let's find out how to make a creative bouquet of berries and that for the implementation of this process you need to know.

What we will do with you are now called a carving. This is precisely the design of fruits and vegetables with a decorative method. In fact, such a decorative direction appeared a long time ago, when only the first restaurants began to open, where it was necessary to lure customers with a beautiful feed of a variety of dishes.

To date, the registration direction in question is gaining its popularity, so that, make such a bouquet, you will be pleasantly surprised by the perpetrator of the celebration, and you will be in the trend as they say.

In order to come true to reality and you got a beautiful and creative bouquet of strawberries. It is necessary to begin to prepare all the necessary tools and materials:

  • To begin with, prepare berries for this process. They must be washed under running water and suck. In the case of using homemade strawberries, this should not do, because as soon as you wash the strawberry, it will start to drain, and it is no longer suitable for creating a bouquet. Tails in this case should not tear off, because in many bouquets this part of the berry is a highlight composition.
  • Berries for a bouquet are selected attractive externally, large non-deformed (no cracks, dents, etc.). Berries should not be overwhelmed, each of them should be elastic.
  • If you want to decorate your berries in a bouquet, you can dip each of them in sugar, glaze from chocolate, and then sprinkle with it with small walnuts, coconut chips, etc.
  • If you decide to make some figures from strawberries, then you will need a knife slicer for these purposes, and for the fact that on the surface of the berries it was carefully cut out some patterns, a Thai knife will come in handy (other tools are not suitable for the softness of the considered berries).
  • You can make a basket of strawberries or to issue berries in the shape of a bouquet, here everything is at your discretion.

The process of making a strawberry bouquet

Make a creative bouquet for everyone to everyone, the main thing is to be aware of what a sequence of actions and have all the necessary materials at hand. So, to create the original and unusual composition we will need:

  • Strawberry - 25-29 pcs. It must be ripe, elastic and large.
  • Roses - 23-25 \u200b\u200bpcs. In this case, they are not mandatory (you can do without them)
  • Flues of trees - for decoration, decorating a bouquet
  • Spaws - 2 packs (ships should be pancakes)
  • Gift paper - for designing our bouquet to give it a complete view.

It should also be noted that if you decide to use for a bouquet of roses, their buds must match the size of a strawberry. Flowers stems should be the same in length, like shrinking, for which berries will be put on.

Instructions with successive actions:

  • First, you need to ride strawberries on the skewers. It is necessary to do it very carefully, not pricked through it. It should be well kept on a skewer, but in this case you do not need to remake with the plantation of berries. If the strawberry is too large and has a rather big weight, then first put the grape on the skewer (it must be elastic), and then only strawberries, so you will provide its constant condition on the skewer, it will not be able to go anywhere.
  • If this bouquet is designed to face alcoholic beverages then with the help of a syringe to each strawberry, a silent alcohol (brandy, martini, water, schnapps, etc.) is introduced. The choice of alcoholic beverage in this case depends on the preferences of the perpetrator of the celebration.
  • In order for strawberries as long as possible, it did not lose its original appearance as long as possible, each berry can be dipped into the gelatin solution.
  • You have spanks with berries in such a way that it turns out a round bouquet. Now carefully start diluting the spanks with strawberries and various decorative elements (in this case, these are twigs).

  • When the composition is fully assembled, it will be necessary to fasten the entire composition well so that it does not undermine under what circumstances. An excellent device for this will be tape.

Now it remains for small, wrap our composition into packaging paper, which will give it a complete species.

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