How to make Yandex start page?

How to make Yandex start page?

Yandex browser today enjoys a huge number of users, but not all of them know about all available functions. Let's talk today about how to make Yandex start page.

start page

Yandex can become a starting page in any available browser, be something Microsoft Edge or Opera. It is possible to carry out in two ways in two ways - manually and, of course, automatically. Let us describe in more detail in this process and methods of its implementation, and in what to do if it is impossible to change the homepage.

So, automatic way:

  • In the event that the Mozilla Firefox browser is installed on your computer device, you will need to go to the Yandex official page, which is located at and click on the icon with the launch page, which is located in the upper corner ( left). It may happen that the icon you need will simply not appear on the screen, but it rarely happens, so this method is effective in essentially.
  • When entering this address with Opera, a window will appear before the user in which he will ask a question if the user wants to install the Yandex start page, so to confirm this function. He will have to take all the conditions and establish the proposed expansion.

Let's consider it more and step by step, how to make the browser in question startpage in Google Chrome:

  • To begin, it will be necessary to link the "settings" to find this button in the browser menu can be in the upper corner of the screen (left).
  • Find the next line "Appearance", in front of which you need to put the "Display the LANWAL Page" button "
  • After the operation was done on the screen, the window will pop up with the address of the current main page, where the "Change" function will also be located (which will also need to select).
  • Now you will need to enter the address of the initial page of the browser under consideration.
  • If you want Yandex to open during the startup of Google Chrome, it will be necessary to go again in the "settings" and click on the "Set Pages" function, then select the "Add" page and register the Yandex address.

If the user wants, it can also make that Yandex will also become a standard search engine.

For those who do not know if you press two keys at the same time - HOME + ALT, the home page will appear on the screen.

Everything is a little different happening in Microsoft Edge, as it is, now and find out.

Microsoft Edge and Start Page Yandex

In order to fulfill the browser conceived in the considered, it is necessary to carry out a number of the following actions, namely:

  • In the browser itself, find in the left corner of the "Settings" screen, and select this feature.
  • After that, click on the "Parameters", and before the user on the screen there will be a lot of functions, including the "Show in a new window" you need.
  • Here you will need to choose the option "Specific Page" - enter the address of the Yandex and must maintain all the changes made.
  • Now, when you run your browser, Yandex and nothing else besides him will immediately open in it.

Mozilla Firefox and Start Page Yandex

To implement Mozilla Firefox to do the following:

  • The first steps in any browser are conducted by a similar path - we find "settings".
  • Now from the list of functions that are issued on the window on the left, it is worth choosing "Start".
  • Now we find a graph opposite "new tabs" and choose from the proposed options "My URL".
  • Now Introduce the Yandex address in the graph appeared.

Everything is simple enough if you follow the existing instructions.

Internet Explorer 10.

If you knew how to make Yandex start page Internet Explorer older versions, then you can do this operation and for the latter, because the system has not changed completely. If they did not know, then the instructions below you to help:

  • Opening the browser on the screen, you will see the "Properties" icon in the upper right corner (similar icon is in the control panel). It is for this icon that will need to press the mouse button.
  • Immediately you can introduce the opportunity to enter the address of the page that will become home.
  • Now, in the "autoload" you will need to mark the "Starting a home page" checkbox and confirm all your actions by pressing the "OK" button.

As it became clear from the above information, actually make Yandex startup page is not as difficult, the more, if the detailed instructions will be in front of your eyes, in which all the steps are prescribed in detail.

Make Yandex startup page is possible absolutely in any browser, and the course of events, so to speak, will also be similar, the main thing is to carefully read everything that it issues on the monitor screen and find the "Settings" function on the screen.

Do not worry. If the first time the user fails to change the start page to the desired one. In order for attempts to be successful, it is necessary to restart the computer device and re-try to do all the same steps that are described in detail above. The likelihood that the second time everything will turn out after the PC reboot is large enough.

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