How to remove the story in Yandex

How to remove the story in Yandex

If you are often using the Yandex Browser to enter the Internet, then you probably know about the history of visits in it. This feature is very convenient when you need to return to the paged page or find the downloaded file. But over time, the list accumulates, which leads to an increase in the volume of space for its storage. Therefore, it is recommended to delete the history of view from the browser. About how to do it right in this article.

How to remove the story in Yandex browser - where it is located

To search for previously viewed pages, it is necessary to go to the history of the browser. This feature in the program is very useful if you have not created a bookmark to the site. To edit the list of views or delete, you first need to find it in the program.

  • To do this, launch Yandex Browser with a way for you. This is usually a shortcut on the desktop of the computer or the icon on the control panel (most often it is located at the bottom of the screen).

  • In the program window that opens, select Settings. The icon is located at the top of the window on the right side in the form of several vertical lines.

  • By clicking on it, you will open the menu with the program settings. In the list, locate the story "History", left mouse button on it.

  • As a result of these actions, an additional window will open. In it you can find newly viewed sites, as well as open the whole story.
  • In order to see all the pages with the time and viewing date, select "History" in the Settings section.
  • In the same way, the history of Yandex browser can be found on any device: a computer, laptop, tablet or telephone.

How to remove history in yandex on a computer

Delete a list of viewed sites from a computer can be several ways.

  • First, open the page with history in the browser through the settings, as described in the previous paragraph.
  • If you do not have time to view the history of each item, or you want to delete all the information immediately, then get on the "Clear History" page. It is located on the right side of the window at the top. This will remove all browsing history.

  • This method is not suitable if you want to leave some of the sites in the list of pages viewed. To remove only some rows, mark them tick in the box next to each item.

  • Then, select the "Remove Selected Items" or click "Clear History."

  • You will be a warning window to confirm deleting it or discard it.

  • As a result of these actions specified pages to the history of visits will be deleted.

  • If you find this tedious or delete the necessary data only for a certain time, then use the "Clear History."
  • Clicking on it will open a pop-up menu, which will have an opportunity to choose between removing the appropriate section.

  • Then check out the other sections of the menu carefully. Here you will be able to clear your browsing history, delete download, clear your cache and remove the cookie files, and delete stored passwords and information about form autofill. This will also remove the files from your computer to visit pages on the Internet.

  • Confirm the action to remove.

  • The Yandex browser, there is another feature of browsing history. Including its history will never be stored in your browser. To do this, open Yandex window simultaneously press the three buttons on the keyboard - Ctrl + Shift + N. It will include a feature "Incognito" in the program.
  • Or go to the section in the browser settings and select the "incognito mode".

  • Its inclusion will alert you to a special message. However, this mode does not make you invisible on other sites. Get out of it can be when you close the browser window.

How to delete history in Yandex on your tablet and phone

  • Sequence of actions to remove browsing history in the browser from Yandex on the tablet is almost similar to working on a computer. Once the site is presented in its reduced variation.
  • All actions must also be carried out in the program setup menu. Find you they can at the top right of the browser page. It can be represented in the form of gear or vertical lines.
  • Deleting the scanned information may fully like for a certain period. Make it possible via the "Clear History" or delete individual files through the "Remove Selected Items".
  • But before you finally clean the story of the browser, think well. Maybe this data will be useful to you soon.

Now you have learned how to clear the history of views of sites in Yandex. As you can see, this is quite easy to do.

Another way to remove all data on the views through Yandex Browser, look at the video:

If your phone or tablet works on the Android site, and you do not know how to clean the story from Yandex, then look this video:

Comments leave a comment
Andrey 02/24/2018 at 23:00

Listen, they ourselves called the article "How to delete the story in Yandex", but explain how to remove the history of the visit to Yandex browser. Call your names with your own names so that Internet users do not spend their time on unnecessary advice for them.

To answer
VICTOR 09/21/2018 at 14:19

how to remove history on Yandex disk ???

To answer
VICTOR 09/21/2018 at 14:21

Catch the difference?

To answer

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