Recently, sunlight as an inexhaustible source of energy has become more and more in demand. Cars, houses, and even industrial complexes began to appear, the energy system of which is completely or partially fed by this environmentally friendly raw materials. The process of converting sunlight into electricity is carried out through special devices, the purchase of which will cost you a decent amount. But if you have an irresistible desire and a simple tool to make, such a device can be yourself.
For the manufacture of a solar battery you will need:
electric burner;
copper plates;
plastic for the manufacture of the case;
pure hot water;
fine -grained sandpaper.
The most important part of the battery is a special solar element based on silicon, which is responsible for the absorption of sunlight and its converting into electric current. They are not very expensive and freely sold in specialized stores. If you do not have a desire or the opportunity to buy them, you can try to independently make their analogue from a piece of copper.
Using fine sandpaper, remove any applied coating from the surface of the copper plate. Then thoroughly rinse it under the pressure of clean water and wipe it dry with a rag. Cut the plate according to the size of an electric burner that you will be used to use for heating. Put the resulting piece of copper on the heating element and turn on the burner to the maximum. Red spots appearing on the surface of the plate with a light red shade will indicate that everything is going correctly and the metal began to oxidize.
It is necessary to heat the sheet then until it is completely covered with black copper oxide. If you want the oxide layer to be thicker-do not turn off the heating element for another 20-30 minutes. After this time, disconnect the burner from the network and leave the copper slowly cool. Cooling, the metal will contract, forcing the copper oxide gradually exfoliate. After the plate cools to room temperature, its surface is almost completely cleaned of the black oxide film. To remove the remaining plaque, rinse it under the pressure of water. In no case do not try to remove the unfinished black dots and do not bend the metal - this will cause damage to the base, which should convert sunlight into electric energy.
The next step is not so difficult and long in time, you should not go to it for more than 15-20 minutes. In terms of the size of a processed piece of copper, the battery housing should be made - it can be a box or cylinder. The main condition is the free passage of sunlight. The most budget option is the use of a plastic bottle. Place the previously processed plate in the case - this is the future “minus” of our battery. Place the clean plate of the same sizes from the opposite side so that they do not touch each other - this is our “plus”. Prepare a solution of salt and hot water and pour it into the case so that the edges of both plates protrude above the surface of the water by 2-3 centimeters. To check the performance, connect the ammeter to them and put the finished structure in the sun. Your solar battery is ready.
Now you know how to make a solar battery yourself. The use of such devices will not only bring the know-how element into your life, but will also save a little on electricity accounts.