How to make a snowman made of bulk paper

How to make a snowman made of bulk paper

To diversify the view of your house during the Christmas and New Year period, try to create a festive decoration in the form of a snowman with your own hands. Such a workplace will find its place and on the table, and on the tree as a toy. Application is limited to your fantasy. The toy will be even more interesting and more beautiful if you make it volumetric. The bulk snowman looks beautiful on all sides and does not take up much space. Take all the necessary tools and pardimate - your creation begins.

You will need:

  • PVA glue.
  • Sheets of thin paper.
  • Tassel, pencil.
  • Round form.
  • Threads.

To begin with, take a sheet of paper. Its size can be any, because it all depends on what kind of snowman you want: small, like a key chain or big as a figurine.

Cut a flat circle of paper. It is better to use some form, and not draw a circle on the eye. It is suitable for a circulation, a form for baking, a plate and any other round item.

After that, you need to cut this circle to flat parts. Again, you have to independently pick up the length of the cuts. For example, on this photo, the distance between the cuts is 3 centimeters.

Now follow this algorithm:

  • Take your circle from paper and quickly plunge into the bowl with water.
  • Paper must fully immerse yourself in water.
  • Pull out the sheet and quickly put it on the towel.
  • Give water to absorb the towel.

Be careful, as the sheet is easy to break when it is wet.

Put a lump of wool or syntheps inside the sheet. The pieces of light fabric are suitable, the main thing is that it is not heavy.

Press the filler well so that he is going to a bunch. Now fold the sheet of paper in the bag, enveloping this filler. You can fold them a little cleaner so that the balloon is round. Tie the bag of paper yarn or sew the ends for greater durability.

As soon as you do it, remove the lump aside, let him dry.

Now the snowman needs to make handles. They should be a spherical shape. It is not necessarily that they are perfectly even, so it will be even more interesting.

Take PVA glue, filler and paper. Cut the circle from paper again, but now they need two. Make deep cuts smoothly and plunge the sheet into the water.

Repeat all the same actions as with a head of a snowman, only a bag must be glued, and not to tie, since the nodule will interfere with connecting to the body.

It's time to create a torso. You can choose from two options: to do the torso, too, from the balls, as well as the head, but choose the diameter more or make a torso, it is faster and looks no worse.

Cut from the paper a drop-shaped shape, then exactly the same, but a little smaller. Make the bottom diameter larger than the head.

In one form, which is more, make very little cuts around the edge, they can be uneven. Bend the form is more accurate.

Shill two parts together, but do not glue your neck.

Start filling the body with syntheps or cotton. It is better to do it with a pencil, handle or other thin object, so you do not damage the item.

As soon as the body takes a surround look and roundate - fill enough. Spread the neck.

It remains only to connect all parts together with PVA glue. To the snowman was beautiful, add the decor: a hat, nose, legs, eyes and buttons. If the snowman came out angular, then you took too tough paper. Moisten the corners with a tissue with a brush and leave to dry up for a while - the corners will soften.

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