How to make a slash

How to make a slash

Lovers slores on the nature and overnight near reservoir will healthy know about device chalash. After all sometimes no opportunities spend the night v machine, no v presence tent. or sleeping bag, that's why v this situation can do chalash on one's own from primary materials for comfortable overnight. This shelter protect from rather weather. Forest shelter differ on degree difficulties and of time erections.

1) How to make salas singny

This chalash, w. whom covered one skat, performing function walls. WITH his help can savor from rays sun., strong wind and small drizzling raine.. Also he maybe be used at cooking food. V summer months can spend the night v chalash, but it will not at all comfortable.

  • Construction singny view can from two kolov., incuffed v land, their height should compose near 2 meters. On the ends these kolov. must be branching for togo, to install crossbar between nimi. Later put vertical gerdy and consolidate their with gap v 30 cm.
  • On the installed gerdy consolidate transverse branches.
  • After constructions carcass need to proceed to construction shelter. Do it can from  coniferous things, leaves, herbs.
  • It is better make such view chalash near fallen tree, preliminary make sure v reliability devices. Cutting down branches, which torch and interfere comfortable finding v construction.

2) How to make a bantal shala

This view designs counts more reliable and comfortable. His principle such same, but gerdy install with two party. At it is one part whenever fully closed, a second will include hole for input.

  • That shelter protect from raine., if his thickness will minimum 20 cm, a incline gerdy compose 45 degrees from earth.
  • At presence material for protection, for example, tarpaulter or films, can construction shelter with existing coatings. Then will maximum provided protection from weather conditions.
  • For provision heat inside designs can construction combined coating, that consists from existing v forest vegetable materials, a also tent.. Thanks to it, heat insulating indicators grow up, a precipitation not will fall inside designs.
  • For constructions chalash can to choose anyone wood, for example, oak, berezu, ryabina and rest. If weather rainy, then near designs need to do ditch and channel for water.

3) How to make a circular slab

Such chalash building around tree, that is an the basis. Lasting and smooth trunk necessary clear from things.
Further find gerdy, verifying to circular based. To design was more strong need to connect gerdy horizontal jumpers. Then stay coating on the frame.

This enough light a type shelter, which the it has the only one minusstanding in him tree will interfere be inside.

4) How to make fabric salas

For manufacturing tissue chalash need:

  • dense the cloth, that it has the size 3 on the 5 meters;
  • two cola, located v two meters friend from friend;
  • rope;
  • fixtures for fastening devices to earth.

V beginning need to stretch rope between wooden kolomi. and consolidate their. Later hang the cloth on the stretched rope. Further necessary fix the cloth w. floor. This maybe at aid loop on the fabrics, a v priming beat hooks.

5) How to make salas from viebya plants

This most difficult view chalash. For his create need:

  • pipe PVC. or long branches,
  • vegetation, that goes;
  • rope.

Remember, what chalash will ready only across several months. Install three pipes v video triangle. Later connect their at aid ropes. Then sow seeds on circle designs. When plants start grow their necessary lay out on the pipe on direction to top  chalash.

6) How to make salas from hoop and fabrics

This enough original way create chalash. For manufacturing need:

  • aluminum hoop or pipe, that coots v ring;
  • rope.

For start cover hoop cloth, connection ends. At aid rest fabrics do roof, a to center attach rope. Received design fix on the tree or v anyone convenient place for games. This way is different mobility, after all design can to transfer.

Methods constructions chalash very lot, to choose specific option necessary v addiction from yours goals. But design, made n. hands will to stand much cheaper, how anyone tent. TO tom same conduct time v on one's own built refuge  far more pleasant.

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