How to make a steam generator

How to make a steam generator

Couples in the bath are needed to clean the body, skin healing, lung and throat improvement. To install a bath furnace, designed to create a couple, will have to be patched - lay out a massive foundation, to arrange chimney and thoroughly check whether the rules of fire safety are performed. Therefore, many craftsmen choose an easier way - the manufacture of the steam generator. And the pairs in this case turn out to be easier than when pouring water to stones.

The appointment of the steam generator is to turn any room into a full-fledged steam room by converting water, which is poured into the reservoir, in crude steam. Depending on its density, you can adjust the microclimate - from the Russian bathhouse to Turkish Hammam.

The design of the steam generator is as follows:

  • Nozzle;
  • Evaporation camera;
  • Electric Tenny;
  • Flavoring;
  • Steam pipe;
  • Sensors.

For the manufacture of a steam generator to a bath with your own hands, you can take an ordinary cylinder, for example, from under the propane. Its dimensions choose based on the number of steam that you need. Before working from the cylinder, you must remove the remains of the steam, following the safety technique, and unscrew the brass valve. After such actions, rinse the surface to wash the dishes until you feel that the smell of gas disappeared. Give the body to dry.

Tanes are selected as follows: 3 IWT for 10 liters of water. If you have an unnecessary old electric kettle, then the question is resolved - dismantle the heating element from it. You can use several pieces. They must be embedded into the container, namely, in its lower part, at an altitude of about 1 cm from the bottom of the container. To do this, draw the labels and drill them, insert a pin or bolt into the hole, set the washers. When installing fastening, refer to free access to them if you need to replace, that is, do not twist them tightly.

Hot water should not be seen through the places where heaters are installed. To do this, prepare gaskets made on the basis of heat-resistant silicone. Place them from the inside and outside. After laying the pads, set the heating elements, tighten the nuts that hold them. Type water into the container and check the absence of leakage.

At the top of the device, fix 4 carvings tubes to which automation and valve will be attached, which is responsible for pressure control. At the level of 10 cm from the top of the design, breed a side with a ball with a ball mechanism, which acts as a kind of water - it will open when water fills the steam generator to the maximum required.

Under the agent, attach a copper tube for water supply. Without adding fresh water, the liquid in the steam generator will quickly evaporate, and maybe even the emergence of a fire. However, our installation cannot be directly connected to the water supply. To solve the problem, connect the copper tube with a special container located nearby with a hose. At the same time, the height of the second dishes should be the same as the height of the first. At the bottom of the second tank, a float crane must be a mediator between the homemade steam generator and the water supply, which controls the water level and conducts its plot.

Improve the valve on the housing, sawing it for this in half. Recalling the top rod, at the bottom it is necessary to drill the hole, which has a diameter of millimeters 15. Prepare additional devices, cut the thread and screw the ball valve to be used as a pair selection.

To control the steam generator, contact pressure gauges with arrows. So you can follow pressure changes in the case and temperature. To make extra load, use such a magnetic starter element like a coil. The safety of the steam generator is provided by a subversive valve that will report errors that have arisen and burst excessive pressure.

After assembling the steam generator, you must test the device for its performance. Check that the basic and auxiliary capacitance is not allowed in the insertion places of the component elements. The water level in both should be the same. Ensure a sufficient number of steam selected.

Now it remains to correctly arrange the finished steam generator. It is better not in the steam room, but in a separate dry room. In order to prevent condensate formation, pride the minimum length of the steam pipeline.

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