How to make a car panel

How to make a car panel

The passionate motorists constantly change something and improve in their car. Fashion varies, the design of the salons is upgraded, including the type of dashboard changes. However, it is not always possible to replace the old panel to the finished new one, then it is necessary to make it "from scratch".

Before starting to make a new panel, it is necessary to deal with the design of the "native" panel, as this is a rather complex mechanism even among old models. First of all, make a drawing of the future panel, have all the necessary devices in those places where they will be in the future in order not to interfere with mutual work.

The next step is the choice of material from which the panel is manufactured. This can be frozen mounting foam coated with fiberglass and epoxy glue, a form of plywood (rounded shapes can be obtained by water). With the process of pasting, it is necessary to carefully smooth out the material so that bubbles are not formed and the fabric felt tightly to the case. You can use plastic, and more skillful masters cut the parts of the wood panel. After drying the cronented panel, it is ground, stained, laminated (wooden parts are mandatory), tighten with skin or other material, respectively, the overall design.

The devices that were on the same panel can be left or replaced by new ones, complement others. If desired, old instruments can be carefully disassembled, replaced the dials and arrows, then collect in the same sequence. When installing the instrument arrow must point to zero division.

Special attention should be paid to the backlight on the dashboard. The driver's glance is often descended to see the performance of the car, so the backlight is recommended to do so that the eyes are not tired. You can replace the lamps for conventional LEDs. But if they are located far from each other, there will be unlit zones on the panel, since the LEDs have a narrow light stream. It is better to use SMD LEDs, then the lighting area will be significantly larger and no clear boundaries. In any case, the master must "be friends" with a soldering iron and understand the schemes. The backlight can be made with a smooth turning on-shutdown, or it can be turned on simultaneously. Color backlight Choose in accordance with the idea.

When all the instruments are prepared, the places of their installation are placed, proceed to cutting the technical holes on the board. Doing it should not be in a hurry, carefully, so as not to spoil the work done. Then install the instruments and backlight on the panel, the power supply to them, connect the control and measurement instrumentation switches.

After everything is connected and works, installed glass, if provided for by the project. Glass can be used from the same panel or put a new one.

So that work looks professionally and efficiently, all operations must be done slowly, thinking through every step, working on each scheme. Then when working with the dashboard, you can enjoy a new design and be proud of your skill.

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