How to make acoustic podiums

How to make acoustic podiums

To improve the sound quality of the audio system, car enthusiasts are installed in the machine additional speakers. Special design is manufactured individually for each type of acoustic system and removes the restrictions on the selection of the audio system. For independent manufacture of acoustic podium, the following materials are required: Plywood thick from 8 to 12 mm, wooden bars - 6-8 pcs., Adhesive epoxy, foam assembly, paint and varnish aerosol, putty, electric drill, electrolovik, PVA glue, knife, screwdriver, Self-tapping screw, cardboard, sandpaper.

If the podium is scheduled to be placed on the door, first determine the location of the audio system on it. Based on the diameter of the dynamics and its height, calculate the approximate dimensions of the finished design. Analyze whether the product will interfere with the passenger when entering or exiting the machine.

Decide with the form of the podium. Make a cardboard template on the door trim in the place of attachment of the speaker. Position the template on the plywood and circle the marker. For an audio system, it is better to use birch fane, providing a saturated and high-quality sound.

In the plywood drill holes in which the lobby can be accommodated. Cut from plywood blank the base of the podium.

Measure the inner diameter of the dynamics and the diameter of its protective grid. Cut the jigsaw two rings from plywood according to the size of the sizes. The speaker must be freely installed in the first ring, and the grid is tightly in another.

If the dynamics dimensions exceed the total thickness of the rings and the base, between the rings and the base, install the height of the speaker altitude. Drops of different heights allow you to make columns with a slope.

The elements of the design combine the PVA and self-pressing glue, resulting in a framework of the product. Attach the workpiece to the door and believe if there are no problems with its closure.

Install the design to the floor and moisten with water. In several techniques, fill the frame of foam. Further work continue after the foam drying (the period is indicated on the balloon).

Remove the excess foam with a knife and give the workpiece of the planned form. Tension female tights on the design, apply a layer of epoxy glue on top. After pouring the glue, the surface is aligned with a thin layer of putty with subsequent Okuring.

Check out the results of the work. If it is planned to paint the product, all roughness are eliminated on the surface being processed.

Declaring and drive the surface of the workpiece. If the result, I liked the result - Krave the design. Use the aerosol paint, apply it to several techniques, not allowing ilk. After drying, the surface cover with aerosol varnish.

Install the speaker and secure the podium of the podium and securely. Secure the finished product to the door.

The correct arrangement of columns in the machine, providing an acceptable sound, will be indicated in the installation studios, but it will have to pay well for it. Therefore, it is cheaper to learn how to make the podiums, samples and error in the cabin, which will provide high sound quality, and make an individual speaker device.

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