How to make a font

How to make a font

Russian bathhouse located on the banks of the river is the perfect option, but not always in proximity is reservoir. An excellent alternative to water or corruption is a font of cold water, which allows you to harden all year round. In addition, you can adjust the water temperature at your discretion, add aromaasla, mineral salts. Moreover, its manufacture does not take a lot of time and effort from the owner. Yes, and there are several options.

The font is a big barrel, for the manufacture of which is used wood, metal or plastic. Capacity is a few species:

  • Open - suitable for installation anywhere, as well as on the street;
  • Oblivaya - eared for tipping through a rope;
  • In-depth - is a mini-pool.

The easiest option in the manufacture is a tidy font, as it is only required to install the float mechanism, and then make water access to the bowl. But if the sizes of the bath allow, make a full-fledged carpet with a capacity of 2-4 people.

A truly alive, hardwood is considered a wooden font. For her manufacture, it is necessary to properly approach the selection of wood:

  1. Larch. This breed is unique, has great strength and does not rot for constant contact with water. In addition, larch helps to increase the tone of a person and clean the pores well.
  2. Oak. It should be noted its high performance characteristics. Also, this wood has anti-inflammatory properties.
  3. Coniferous. Pine, spruce, cedar are very popular in the manufacture of fonts, as in conifers there are many essential oils and phytocindes, which act on the body most positively, rejuvenating it.

Consider the process of making wooden font:

  • To work, you will need such tools: a spanning knife (cape or roar), a screwdriver, a rubber hammer.
  • Spread flat rails to a rectangle, clamping with a clamp. You will eventually get a shield. From it you should cut the bottom of any form, if desired. It can be round or oval. From the outside of the workpiece, attach two bars.
  • To organize a drop of water, do a hole in the bottom. When using pumping equipment, this work is not necessary.
  • Now we will take the assembly walls of the font. We use the rails with the sidden side edges, which is necessary for embedding each other. On the back, cut the groove that has a rectangular shape, for their fixation in the bottom. Make it closer to the edge.
  • Turn the rails using metal strips (hoops) in the number of three pieces, as well as bolts and nuts.
  • After that, it is necessary to clean the wooden surface of the sandpaper and equip the font with additional features: heated water, jacuzzi. Inside, you can equip a bench or attach a wooden staircase.
  • If the product flows, then do not be scared, because wood should gain moisture to expand subsequently.
  • When installing a wooden font, consider the capriciousness of this material, it is recommended to put the design on an exceptionally smooth surface to exclude the skewer.

Despite the fact that numerous advantages are inherent from the wood, the process of its manufacture is not for everyone, but any owner can make a concrete font:

  1. From concrete you can create a font of any sizes, depths and shapes, as well as provide descent in the form of steps.
  2. Since the concrete font is a stationary design, it is necessary to pre-dig a hole for it. Its depth should be about one and a half meters.
  3. At the next stage, put the reinforcement grid on the floor. Place an altitude of about 5 cm from the bottom, laying under it plastic locks, specially intended for fittings. In addition, you can score 4 pins into the ground, which will rise above the surface. Top and placed grid.
  4. Using OSB and a ram for amplification, make a formwork for the inner wall. It is recommended to install it above the grid. Thus, the thickness of the floor of the concrete font will be 10 centimeters. Acting in the same way, make a formwork for the outer wall, it is installed directly to the bottom. Do not forget to provide a hole in the formwork, which is required to drain the water.
  5. After that, it should be filling the wall with concrete. It is advisable to make the fill at once for obtaining monolith. Then pour the bottom. To improve the mechanical strength of the bowl into the solution, additional additives can be introduced into the solution.
  6. Formwork disassemble a week later, plastered the wall subsequently. If you have discovered potholes, pits, they need to be eliminated in the process of plastering. Floor leve out for beacons with a solution.
  7. Now it is necessary to process the font, using a waterproofing mixture, as cracks may occur even in such a small pool. The composition of Ceresit CR 65 is distinguished by good quality. After applying this layer, pass the primer and cover the surface of rubber paint. In addition, you can choose another finish option - PVC film or ceramic tile.
  8. After the waterproofing, swipe the concrete test: fill it with water and watch for several days so that the water level does not decrease sharply.
  9. Finally, install the staircase, if you wish, organize the decorative lighting of LED lamps and build a mini-waterfall.

Plastic font, which has a wooden trim - an option for lazy or constantly occupied hosts. Buy the finished container you want to install, and then wechieve the rails, previously built around the perimeter frame using the bars. Since there is an empty space between the rails and the wall of the capacity, it is also necessary to sew on wooden panels for the purpose of masking. At the end, the product does not distinguish from the font, fully made of wood.

The choice of type font depends entirely on the finance and desires of the owner. But in any case, this design will help to relax well and improve your health by hardening.

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Oksana 02/02/2018 at 12:31

Good and not expensive font produces "Moscow Factory of Pools"

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