How to make a circus?

How to make a circus?

If you are engaged in needlework or drawing, then in this case it's just not to do without a circulation. This subject is a great assistant in many affairs, where you need to draw a circle or other pieces of the rounded form. If the house lives the teacher or a student, a school student, then, most likely, finding a circulation will not be difficult, but in the event that there are no such people, the probability of finding a circular in the house is reduced at times, and is almost equal to zero. Let's look at how to make a circulation with your own hands, and in what cases it may be needed.

The simplest homemade cirkul

Today you can find a huge number of the most different circulas - a circus for students, a professional circulation, drawing, etc. Such circulars are very convenient to draw small circumference, but if suddenly someone needs to make some global round harvesting, then here the usual circulation is not an assistant.

It does not mean at all that it is necessary to run and buy a joiner zirkul, because its value is very high, and for the sake of one time it is extremely stupid to spend a huge amount. If there is no big circulation in your house, and you need it, you need to use healthy agents and items.

The easiest option is to find a round form:

  • In this case, you are very lucky if you find such a subject of size you need. This option is used in the case when there is no other output, moreover, it may be necessary to search for the center of such a circle, and this will also be a task not out of simple.
  • In order not to bathe through the water of the search for a round item of the desired size, it is easier to make a simple home-made circular, which can be drawn by a large circle. Let's look at the easiest option of the circulation:
  • Contributably finding a not too wide board, one end of which a nail is clogged, the so-called rail.
  • At the other end, it is necessary to do a pencil hole (the diameter of the pencil must correspond to the diameter of the hole). Make it can be a regular drill.
  • In just two steps, you will make yourself an excellent home-made cigrier, which can be drawn by circles of different values \u200b\u200b(it is necessary to simply drill holes at different distances from the carnation).
  • In order for such a home-made circular to draw the circle parallel planes, it is necessary in obligatory to one of the parties on which the pencil will be located, you need to attach a tree bar, which will have a height identical to the sizes of the carnation at the other end of the product.
  • It is necessary to pick up such a carnation so that it does not stick out too much from the rail, because there will have to do large holes for pencils. The optimal version is when the pencil looks out of the rake on a half acetimeter. In the event that there is no thin rail, and you will have to take a thick rail for a circulation, then a hole for a pencil will need to do a little less than its diameter, so that he is inserted into the rail with force (so as not to fall).

  • In order to make the circus in question, you can do not do a lot of holes, but to make a long oblong hole in the middle of the rail, in which you can insert a pencil at a distance that is necessary for the circle of the circumference of the desired diameter.
  • In this case, you should not forget that for such a circulation you will need some element of fastening. An excellent option in this case will be a movable frame.

Making a circulation with your own hands

So, detailed instructions for making a homemade circulation:

  • If you have a machine, then it can be carefully cut onto the rail (it can be birch, needles, or any other wood). The perfect option is a rail width 3.6 cm, its thickness is not less than 1.5 cm, but a length of 0.5 meters. If you need to draw the circumference of the large size, then the rail length should be more at times.
  • Now in the cut-off rail, you need to make a groove whose width will not be less than half a hundredthimeter, not forgetting that it is necessary to leave 4.6 cm at the edges.
  • Now it is necessary to attach the clothespin at one end (ordinary, which has each on the balcony). The fastening under consideration is best to implement several cloves. This is done so that the clothespin fix the pencil, marker or felt-tip pen.
  • If you need to draw a circle on a sheet of metal, then in the clothespin it is necessary to insert a drill, wrapped with adhesive plaster.
  • Such a tool is very convenient, because with the help of the circular under consideration you can draw circles with the most different drawing objects.
  • You should not forget that the second leg of our homemade circulation should be a needle that must be attached to another end. It should be noted that the needle needs to be fixed so that it is mobile, and for this you need to make a longitudinal type groove, according to which the "needle" will move.

As you could understand, the circula can be made from items that are at your hand. The manufacturing system is quite simple, it is simply necessary to learn in detail the instructions for the manufacture of this tool. He can come in handy at any time, so it is worth keeping in mind such an option.

If at home you do not have a circulation, but you needed it, just read this article and you will understand that all this is done simply and without any special difficulties. The instruction described above to help you.

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