How to make a bolt?

How to make a bolt?

The chatter is an inexpensive drug recommended by dermatologists with all sorts of skin problems: pimples, eels, ulcers. They produce a suspension of components that remove inflammation, remove dead cells and stimulate the growth of new ones. Before applying the suspension bubble, you need to shake it hard so that everything moves, hence the name - the bolt.

How to make a bolt from acne?

The drug can be bought at the pharmacy, but cheaper and faster - make it at home.

It will take:

  • Medical alcohol and boric acid - 35 ml
  • Salicylic acid (2%) - 0.5 h. L.
  • Levomycetin - 4 tablets

The drug based on the above components is shown at adolescent acne and premenstrual dermatosis.

How to do and use:

  • In the glass container, enter all the liquid parts alternately, then add crushed tablets. Shake.
  • Mix the fluid problem areas, keep half an hour, then smell and apply a nutrient cream.

Warning: Do not rub the chat in the skin, but use it according to the principle of the applique: wet - dried up - washed off - moisturized.

  • Use the tool twice a day about a week.

How to make a bolt to treat acne?

Small black dots (clogged pores) will disappear quickly, if you apply a reinforced formula, and then clean the face.


  • Calendula Tincture - 1 Blockchik
  • Water boiled - 100 ml
  • Tablets aspirin and trichopol softened in flour - three pieces

Preparation and application:

  • Mix in a cup of components, then recover the composition into the bottle and put in a dark corner for three days.
  • Spray sick places (once a day) the resulting composition.
  • After a quarter of an hour, rinse the face and apply coffee thick on it for three minutes. Then, wash the sticking particles and cotton disk wipe the leather with a brawl.

How to make a boltushka from the furunculus?

Purulent rashes are not only an incompatible look, but also painful sensations, so it is better to prepare the drug with the addition of painkillers.


  • 50 ml of salicylic acid
  • 5 pills streptocida
  • 50 ml boring alcohol
  • Oil bubble Melissa
  • Novocaine - 1 ampoule

We do:

Tablets are fright in the bowl, pour alcohol and acid. Add seven drops of oil and novocaine. Stir. Drain into the flank, block. Apply as in the previous case. Store in the refrigerator.

How to make a bolt - the main recipe

Want to make a universal bolt, removing the rash of any origin? Enter the dimexide into its composition, which will quickly destroy the microbes and bacteria in its antibiotic.


  • Domexide Rr - 50 ml
  • Doxycycline - 10 Tablets
  • Purified water - 150 ml


  • Pour a solution into a cup and pour into it crushed tablets. Place the mixture in a glass jar with a lid and remove into a cool place.
  • After 12 hours, add water to the bank, shake the contents and proceed to the procedure - wipe the inflamed places wetted in the liquid with a cotton disk.
  • Maintain acne for a month, rinse after the stamps the remains of the mask with boiled water, and then fueling the face with the desired cream.

How to make a bolt - tips

All recommendations are simple to fulfill, but the benefits of them are considerable:

  • During the treatment period, minimize the use of decorative cosmetics.

IMPORTANT: All offered versions of the chatters can not be used to women in the position, nursing moms and teenagers up to 7 years.

  • Enter child cream or moisturizing after the procedures, but without fragrance.
  • Add fruits, vegetables, whole-hearted dishes to your diet, and baking, gasing, sweets - remove. Do not eat at night and balance the drinking mode - drink at least 2 liters per day.
  • Start engage in Morning Charging, Run or Scandinavian walking.

Despite the fact that the Boltushka is made easy to prepare for its preparation. Adhere to the formulation, do not add additional elements from yourself, and you will have a drug that will make the skin healthy, clean, well-groomed.

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