How to make a temporary tattoo

How to make a temporary tattoo

Modern youth seeks to stand out from the crowd with any ways: someone makes bright hair coloring, someone - interesting hairstyles, makeup, piercing, and someone wants to decorate the body with unusual drawings. Not always the desire to make a tattoo support parents, so an alternative to a constant tattoo is a temporary pattern.

You can make a temporary tattoo in literally in 10 minutes, you only need to prepare all the necessary materials and choose the liked pattern or drawing.

How to make a temporary tattoo

Want to try on a tattoo? Only there is no desire to make a constant tattoo? Afraid, how will she look like in 10-20 years and will it be relevant? All this can be avoided if you make a temporary pattern on the body. Even if they do not like it, the drawing will last on the body from 3 days to several weeks. You can always remove a temporary tattoo to make a new one, which cannot be said about a constant pattern on the body.

In order to make a tattoo on your own, prepare:

  • pencil (black, rigidity 3-6V) and eye pencil;
  • nail scissors;
  • cotton sponge;
  • parchment sheet;
  • baby powder;
  • vodka (you can alcohol);
  • any alcohol-containing agent, for example, spray for processing wounds.

How to make a tattoo:

  • On the sheet of tracing, draw a pencil pattern, drawing or make an inscription. Cut the drawing with scissors, but not by contour, and so that the free, inexpensive space remains from each edge.
  • Choosing a place on the body: if you make a tattoo yourself, then it is the most convenient to make a temporary drawing on my leg or on your hand. In this place you need to handle the skin, moisten a cotton sheet in vodka or alcohol, wipe the plot.
  • Immediately put the workpiece on the processed area of \u200b\u200bthe skin so that the drawing "watched" down.
  • Now it will take several wet cotton disks or a wet towel to press the paper blank tightly to the skin. You need to hold for a few minutes, remove the towel and remove carefully tracing.
  • At this place will remain a pale contour of the pattern or inscription. You need to use a cosmetic pencil to bring out the contours, draw parts.
  • Finished work? Wait 3 minutes to feed a pencil, after which you need to trigge the temporary tattoo tattoo, distribute the powder in the picture evenly. To do this, you can use the tassel for applying the Rumen.
  • Final touch - applying a spray with an alcohol content to secure a temporary pattern.

See what happened:

Other ways or how to quickly make a temporary tattoo

The first way

If you draw well and you can do without a stencil, then armed with an eye pencil and hair varnish, you can make an interesting tattoo:

  • Wipe the area on the skin, devoid of hair, alcohol or vodka.
  • Use an eye pencil (which needs to be hooked) to draw a temporary tattoo.
  • If you want to make a shadow or mix a few shades, use your cotton disk to smooth the borders.
  • Now you will need a hairpiece, sprinkle a temporary drawing from a short distance. Wait for complete drying.
  • Figure Process peroxide.
  • Tattoo is ready. She will last a few days, and if you want to get rid of the drawing and do something new, it is enough to wipe this place with a wet sponge with a droplet of liquid soap.

The method of the second

In order to make a tattoo, you need to purchase ready-made stencils and color permanent markers.

We make a temporary tattoo together:

  • Prepare the skin (if necessary, remove the extra hairs), wipe the alcohol-containing agent.
  • Attach the stencil to the skin, keep it tightly with one hand (or fix the sticky tape), and the second - fill the emptiness. You can paint the drawing not only permanent markers, but also ordinary, as well as special paint for seals and stamps.
  • Wait until the paint is driving. Everything, temporary tattoo is ready. If the drawing is tired, it is easy to wash off with warm water with soap.

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