How to split hard drive for 2 parts

How to split hard drive for 2 parts

New computer equipment usually comes with a solid hard disk. However, before the start of operation, it is better to smash at least two autonomous sections. This is due to the fact that using one disk space for system installations and storage of personal information, you risk losing the last in the event of an unexpected failure in the operation of the OS. There are other reasons for the emergence of the need to split the disk. But the procedure always looks equally and lies in a pair of simple steps.

The easiest way to make two disks from one to use the master embedded in the operating system. To start it on Windows versioned platforms older than XP, activate the context menu from under the "My Computer" section (it can be directly on the desktop, or look for it in the Start menu) and go to "Management", and then in Row "Disc Control". In Windows 8, the option lies directly in the start menu "Start". If you use Windows XP, then go immediately to paragraph 7 of this article. Before starting actions, it is advisable to complete disk defragmentation and backing up particularly important files.

After hitting the manipulation window with discs, highlight the one you intend to break. In most cases, it will be labeled as "C:". Mouse over to it and click the key in the pop-up menu field, select "Compress Tom".

Running compression, you will receive a request to the number of memory you want to assign a new section. Sometimes it appears not immediately, since the computer first analyzes the disk space, so in this case you just wait. Seeing the window with a query, enter a digital value to the corresponding field. Keep in mind - the size here is indicated in bytes. As a rule, the system already exposes preliminary compression possibilities, so you will be convenient to navigate. Having broken with the numbers, press the "compress" button.

With a favorable outcome, two sectors appear in the disk management field: disk with:, having lost its half, and a new disk with a note "is not distributed". Click on it with the mouse and in the list that appears, go to the "Create a simple Tom" item.

After the volume creation wizard opens, be ready to pass sequentially 4 tables. If you do not intend to create another wheels, then in the first we leave everything, as is, and click "Next." In the second, we assign a new drive from the letter from the offering list. In the third, specify the priority file system - for Windows it is always NTFS, we prescribe the name section. I confirm all our actions in the last window.

Now we have two full-fledged disk spaces, in which we can make sure, going to the "My Computer" folder. If you wish, clicking on the name of the new disk, you can rename it.

The version of Windows XP is not equipped with a function to multiple discs directly from the platform. Therefore, to get several sections in this system, you will have to resort to third-party software products. The most "folk" among them are the application of Acronis Disk Director and Software from the Partition (Parition Wizard, Partition Manager Professional, etc.). By installing such a program, you can spend any manipulations with your discs, including breakdown. At the same time, applications interfaces are almost the same as in embedded masters, and in something even easier, therefore, they will not master them in the course of action and beginners.

A gparted utility developed for similar operations in the Linux environment is working in a similar way. It is called the Administration line from the SYSTEM menu and requires knowledge of English, because it is not Russified. Help in working with it can extensive Russian-language manuals for using the web network.

By breaking the hard disk on the part, take the partition with the operating system a small area, and keep your entire archive in other volumes. Then, if the system is damaged, you easily format the disk and reinstall the OS without loss of valuable data.

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