How to wake up a sleeping person

How to wake up a sleeping person

For many, the problem to wake up in the morning and go to work or just for business. It should be noted that this problem is relevant in all ages and times, therefore, the same date will be the topic - how to wake up the sleeping, what methods for this purpose are available and which ones are most effective.

Wake the sleeping - is the problem?

Agree, the ideal picture - early in the morning you are calling your child or significant other by name, and right there in front of you there is a man just waking up in an excellent mood. Presented? Now back to reality, to realize that this picture is most common in movies, but not in life, and if still you are the parent of such a fairy child or love such a wonderful invigorating morning person, you can only envy.

Average morning and motivation of the average person looks a little different - gloomy, did not sleep a person cries and complaints, or simply a person is not sprinkled:

  • nor after the bell alarm clock
  • or after you shouted at him 20 times
  • nor after neighbors included drill

This situation is so widespread and commonplace that no one even wonders just every day begins with a not very pleasant and a good mood, and in fact if a good morning, and the day will be great. Let's look at how you can wake up the sleeping, and that he woke up and you were in a good mood until the end of the day early in the morning. So, we shall understand in detail all available techniques.

Service to help

The simplest and most banal way of existing in this situation, to stop, of course, an alarm clock. There is nothing easier than to have the alarm for a certain time and stand by him? In fact, Service works not at all, and among other things you need to know some of the rules of this case, to be considered a way to become truly effective:

  • First you need to decide under what melody happens best revival. It is clear that someone fairly standard alarm sound, and someone needs something mega loud and "brutal."
  • If a person is difficult to awaken, then "laytovaya" ringtone for the alarm clock is not the most suitable option. On the alarm clock in this case it is necessary to put a loud, "terrible", and even annoying call.
  • If a person is sleeping quite sensibly, then you can put on the alarm clock and a very quiet, beautiful melody.

Favorite song

Another great way to wake up in the morning sleep, play his favorite song. This method is, in many cases, really efficient., Especially. If it is fun and very positive, loud song.

Instructions of this method is as follows:

  • Come to a sleeping man
  • You turn on the phone, computer or other device his favorite melody

Removed from the room or see what will be the effect (if you stay in the room eating the probability of obtaining sneakers in the face of such your trick, because in response to a "Service" at all different, even if it sounds favorite tune).

Remember another thing, the song should not begin abruptly, put the sound on the rise, because your job is to awaken the sleeping, and not make it a stutterer.

If people hear a melody began to wake up, but it does so slowly, then you can switch on the lights in the room for the best effect.

morning massage

Service and favorite song - it's not always a good option, because some people are simply frightened of sharp and loud sound. And a good mood in the morning for sure they can not see. There is another option, it is very pleasant and relaxing - make sleeping massage. This is, firstly, to be suddenly, and secondly - very nice, the body will receive physical pleasure. Sleep - the aesthetic and emotional, and at the same time, the body will wake up in a good mood, so the day is really good.

Morning massage is better to do as follows:

  • First you need to massage points on the ears. Do it better thumb and forefinger. Better to start with the lobes. It will be nice and will help improve sleeping Blutwurst circulation in the body.
  • Then gradually move on to massage all parts of the spine from the neck and down lower and lower. Movements should be smooth, massage. No need to beat on the palms or fists back - this option is not really like a sleeping man.
  • If you decide to wake up the sleeping child, then it will be nicer if you'll scratch and pomassiruete his tummy. It is the child and not frighten, and will wake up in a good mood.
  • In any case, no matter what method you choose, to start analyze how urgent it becomes for whom you want to wake up in the morning. Each person's response to the same methods of awakening can be different, so it is important to consider the sleeping temperament.

  • Someone will be nice to feel the kiss of a loved one on her cheek, the other wakes up in a cold sweat from such a touch, so it is necessary to take into account the individual response in any case.

For someone in the morning is good if in the morning he will bring a hot cup of tea or coffee, depending on your preference. The other to wake up in a good mood when he hears a favorite song, and for the awakening of the third to hit the pillow, but harder, because the other exercises in this case simply does not work.

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