How to extend the life of cut rose

How to extend the life of cut rose

Queen of colors should be capricious. Cut roses require attention. Give roses a little love and care - and then a gentle bouquet will delight you not one day and remind you of a loved one or a joyful event.

In the cold season, do not free the flowers from the packaging immediately. A sharp drop temperature will hurt buds. Put the bouquet on the kitchen table and do while cooking. Choose a sharp knife, pour cool water in a vase and select a suitable place for it.

The bottom of the stem, which will be in the water, clean from leaves and spikes. Carefully remove the skin - for this, slightly pause the stem blade with a knife. Roses love pure water. The left leaves and the skin will begin to rot, and the water will quickly turn off.

Check water in a vase with vinegar or lemon juice. An acidic medium prevents the formation of bacteria. A good effect gives the addition of tea spoons of sugar or several white drops. Cut the flower stem under the jet of water with a radius and make 2-3 shallow longitudinal wrap. If there is no time and strength - type water in the bath and put flowers there overnight.


Do not put roses next to other colors and fruits - roses do not tolerate foreign smells. Every day, change the water and spray the leaves and buds of cool water. Remember that cut roses do not like to enter direct sunlight.

When the flowers begin to fade, wrap them in the newspaper and put the bath with cool water overnight. If there is a deep bucket - put roses into it so that the buds do not touch the water. Vases rinse and prepare water for flowers in the morning, using another tool for feeding. Special preparations are sold in flower shops. In the morning, update the stem slice and return the roses to your previous place.

With a careful attitude towards roses and constant care, you can extend the life of cut roses for a long time.

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