Surely you have repeatedly thought about how harmless the greenery you buy in the store, especially in the winter. Even acquiring it from hand, one cannot be sure that the greens are not treated with anything. Therefore, in this article we will consider how to grow parsley at home. After all, I so want to enjoy the taste of juicy and healthy greenery all year round, knowing that you bring only benefits to the body.
Parsley can be grown from seeds and from root crops. Use the method that is more convenient for you. The main thing is that you trust the supplier of the material, since now the practice of selling genetically modified seeds is now frequent. Ideally, negotiate with familiar summer residents.
So, if you want to observe all the stages of the process, then you should familiarize yourself with the instructions on how to grow parsley from seeds. To get started, soak your seeds for 3 days and 2 times a day change the water. Then put them in a weak manganese solution, and after a couple of hours you can start sowing.
You will need a box with drainage holes and soil. You can take it from your site or ask friends who have a summer house, or you can buy it in a store. Filling the box with soil, pour it with hot water and compact it. Do sowing grooves. Start sowing seeds to a depth of half a centimeter in moist soil. To avoid drying the upper soil layer, pour it with loose earth 1 cm.
Water the planted seeds in moderately, once a day. With the advent of the first seedlings, you can water a little more, especially if the air in the room is dry. The temperature regime is also very important for parsley growth, the room should be warm enough (from 15 to 20 degrees). About 60 cm from seedlings, put a daylight lamp, it will help to recreate the daylight hours for your parsley.
You can cut parsley when it grows up to 12 cm, about a month and a half after the planting of the seeds.
Those who are not tolerated as soon as possible to get a crop and do not want to bother over the seeds, you can advise using the second method of landing: grow parsley from root crops. As in the first version, you will need a box that first needs to be disinfected and filled with a bottom of 1.5 cm and soil mixture. The roots of parsley must be dug in mid -autumn, until the earth has yet froze. Transplant them into the box close to each other, leaving only the head outside. The soil should be put and water well.
After planting, the box with parsley needs to be removed in a cool place and watering greens moderately. And when the sprouts appear, transfer the box to heat, the temperature regime must be observed, as in the first version. In principle, the technology is repeated further.
Having sorted out how to grow parsley, and using one of the proposed options, you can eat tasty, healthy and healthy food, stock up with vitamins and delight yourself and loved ones all year round.