How to donate urine during pregnancy

How to donate urine during pregnancy

During pregnancy, a large number of analyzes should be handed over to monitor the state of the fetus and the future mother. To analyzes show more reliable results, you need to pass them correctly. When passing urine, the pregnant must collect her herself. And be sure to do it right.

How to donate urine during pregnancy - when to pass

Watering for analysis is necessary concentrated, so it is necessary to collect it early in the morning immediately after awakening. In the evening it is desirable to exclude salty and sharp.

How to donate urine during pregnancy - prepare dishes

The dishes in which you are going to pass urine should be sterile clean. The best option will be special containers for testing analyzes purchased in the pharmacy.

How to donate urine during pregnancy - how to collect

Before passing urine, you must first go up, preferably without soap so as not to distort the result. Next, you should close the vagina with a cotton or tampon so that it is not accidentally selected with the urine into the container. For the first couple of seconds you need to perseve in the toilet. Then the container is then filled with analyzes, after that it is overwhelmed in the toilet.

How to hand over urine during pregnancy - time for surrender

To the laboratory urine should be delivered no later than two hours after passing. On the way it is preferably less shaking.

When complying with the basic rules for passing urine, there will be fewer errors in your analyzes and there will be no foreign bodies. This will help your doctor to diagnose your condition and successfully keep pregnancy.

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