How to plant hops

How to plant hops

Hop is not only a very beautiful, but also a useful plant that will help to decorate your plot, keep health and longevity. So that Hop continued to delight you for a long time, you need to know several little secrets about how to plant it and grow.

It is possible to propagate hops, both seeds and rhizomes. The latter give young shoots and spring, and autumn. Just separate them through a knife or a secateur from the parent plant and put in a wet soil, not forgetting it to abundantly water. Hop arrives at himself, and you will only have to form it "Kronu". Caught in nurseries or from the hands of the hop rhizoma can be stored without any problems on the bottom shelf of the refrigerator, wrapped in a wet cloth, until the landing.

If the plant is used for landscaping, it will certainly be a garter or the presence of a solid support. In the vertical position, hops grows one and a half times faster than horizontal, and in general it feels significantly better and healthier. All sorts of frames and columns are already needed at the moment when the height of the bush reached a half-meter. Material of manufacture is not important - hop with pleasure I will put the window frames, metal pipes or clothes ropes with pleasure. However, it is better to work with it in gloves so that scratches remain from the barbed surface of the stems.

Feeling hop stands at the beginning of summer, when plants begin to actively build up phytomass. The type of minerals necessary can be easily detected in the form of leaves:

  • small and bright - lack of nitrogen;
  • convex "boats" - little potassium;
  • bronze shade - need phosphorus.


The biggest problem of hops - the appearance of aphid. They very quickly float all the plant and not so much harm him as they spoil the appearance. To avoid this unpleasant problem, spray hops by any insecticide even before the failure, for example, in May-June appeared.

If your hops are designed for brewing, buy some bushes from different places. The taste of beer varies significantly, depending on the plant variety and its individual patterns of growth. In addition, Hop loves the light very much, so secure him the area for which the sun falls at least 6-8 hours a day (better - more).

Additional condition for growing is good soil drainage and abundant irrigation. Not in vain in the wild, Hop loves to grow near the rivers and in wet shorts. Please note - if, after an abundant rain, the water somewhere stagnated and formed a puddle, this place requires additional drainage.

Sat the bushes of hops at a distance of meter and a half each other. Soon they will acquire a lush crown and will require an additional place to grow. Each bush of the root costs a little bit, forming the "slide". Place the rowing steps to the depth of 10 centimeters horizontally, the "urine" of young roots down.

Rhizome can give about 5 healthy shoots. Therefore, if one of them is weak or damaged, boldly remove it to give the road to stronger and healthy brethren. A few months later, it is recommended to break or trim the lower leaves in the bush to prevent possible diseases. If the rain is a rare guest in your areas, water the hops daily, not allowing the soil around it to rear.

Brewing. Hop base beer.

How to determine what hop fruits matured? Such cones will be dry, lightweight, rustling, with a yellowish filling. Even on one shoot, they ripen at different times, so do not rush to overtake the entire harvest.

As we see, care for hop is quite simple. By providing a lot of light and abundant irrigation, we get a strong, beautiful and absolutely no capricious plant, pleasing the eye of the owner.

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