How to wash the newborn baby girl?

How to wash the newborn baby girl?

So you can congratulate you: you have become a mom of a wonderful charming baby. And, of course, now you have a huge amount of worries: you need to establish breastfeeding, to equip the Baby, to establish the day of the day, buy everything you need. But it is impossible to forget about hygiene, often she is the guarantee of the right physical development of the girl and her health. How to wash the newborn girl and what means it is better to use for hygiene procedures?

Rules for the arms of newborns babies

  • First you need to take care of the water suitable for hygiene procedures. After discharge from the maternity hospital and for a couple of weeks, and if not too lazy, then the month, the water for the isolation is better to apply boiled. It concerns both hot water and cold water for dilution. Water is boiled, then cooled for the desired temperature or diluted with cold, but also boiled water. It is possible to understand how fastening water is suitable for tender skin with a special thermometer, but most mothers rely on the sensitivity of their elbow or wrist. The main thing is that the water is neither cold or hot. Wake-up should not create an increased discomfort for the baby. It should be in the first two weeks after birth 34 degrees on the Celsius scale. To achieve a child of monthly age, it is usually reduced to 32.
  • What reason is it recommended to use boiled water? The genital bodies of babies immediately after birth and for some other time absolutely sterile. There no own microflora was formed, so the genitals need high protection. After a couple of weeks after the birth of the microflora, it will also develop independently and can be used for hygienic procedures of flow water.
  • Mom should also prepare for the arms of his girl, rinse hands with the help of soap, it is better to use a nursery, and check that the nails are short and could not cause the child a trauma, albeit randomly.
  • If the baby swimming takes place at home for the first time, it is worth taking care that the baby is not afraid of, it can develop a fear of water procedures. It is better to complete the crumb into the diaper, and for the first time to immerse it into the water in a diaper, it is possible to avoid fright and swim in a comfortable setting.
  • Applying soaps for hygiene girls need to be infrequently, even once a week. The fact is that even the most gentle formula of the soap does not prevent the fact that it dries the skin, and this you need to measure, since the skin of babies on all parts of the body is the most tender. Simple water is used for arms. If the child squeezed, then the feces are washed off under running water, the movement in front of the back to prevent dirt from entering the genitals and the vagina of the newborn girl.
  • If the feces are a bit and is not washed off with a light movement, then in order to soften it, you can use cotton discs with warm water, it is enough to attach them to the desired place for a few seconds, and the problem will be resolved. When you knead the child under running water in the sink or bathroom, take care of the water setting, since sharply deployed cold or hot water can not only scare the baby, but also harm health.
  • After each bathing and arms, you need to explore the baby. Remember, lubrication remains can still remain on the body, it is most bright in the field of genitals. If its quantity is slightly, it will absorb and disappear over time, if it is much, then you can remove excess, but you need to do it as careful as possible, trying not to injure the child, with the help of cotton disks moistened in sterile oil. If the procedure causes the baby an obvious pain, then it is better not to do.
  • After the washed with a gentially soft towel or napkins, the genitals must be blocked first, then the folds in the groin, and then only the ass.
  • If there is an opportunity, then, after the arms, leave the baby for a while without clothes and diaper so that the skin rested, besides the air baths are incredibly useful to the newborn, the main thing is to ensure that the child is not frozen, since the newborn thermoregulation is not perfect.

Problem or norm?

Many newly minted mothers often face the difficulties of the development of the genital organs of their bass, and do not always understand, so it should be, or their child has some deviation, as a result of which many questions arise, will answer the most common ones:

  • If, after washing, the mother noticed that the babies the genitals are a little swollen, then you should not panic. This is a consequence of hormonal perestroika, in a short time everything is normalized.
  • Also in girls after birth can heat the dairy glands and highlight a liquid similar to maternal colosure, it also causes panic's mothers. To worry, and even more so do some independent actions do not stand, it is also a consequence of the hormonal rebuilding of the body.
  • Sometimes there are allocations from the vagina, they can even be a bloody nature. If it had a one-time character, then you should not worry if there was a repeat, then you need to report this to the district pediatrician, he will tell you how to act further.

Sinechia is a pathology?

Recently, more and more often, the mothers of girls turn to doctors about the synefi. Sinekhia is the pathology of the sexual lip, which provokes a grasp overgrowth, often suffer from urination organs, delivering discomfort to the girl.

The causes of deviations most often call problems with hormones, treatment with some drugs, including antibiotics. But most often the synechia becomes the result of the wrong hygiene girls from birth. Moms often, not listening to the councils of experienced doctors, abuse soap when washed. This causes a flushing of the natural vaginal microflora, which prevents the sticking of small sexes. With its absence, pathological processes begin to develop.

What to do with the synechnias will only say a gynecologist, usually prescribed therapy with hormonal ointments, if they do not help, the doctor makes a decision on dissection of an effort, but this is a relatively painless procedure.

How to keep everyday hygiene?

  • You need to try to choose spacious clothes and diapers for the baby in size, age and weight.
  • You need to be careful using hygiene products. Cream, oil, powder it is necessary to use only in the event of redishes and diarmions. If nothing is it, then the use of additional protective products is not required.
  • Diapers need to be changed quite often, on average through a couple of hours. If the child squeezed - then immediately after defecation.
  • It is necessary to put the baby every time she squeezed and certainly before bedtime.
  • Wet napkins are also not worth abuse, so that manufacturers would not say in advertising, napkins, even be created specifically for newborns, are impregnated with lotions, flavored, which is not always useful for the baby and may cause irritation. Use them is recommended on hiking conditions, on the road, when you visit to a clinic or campaign.
  • You need to wash the baby only with the help of the hand, the use of additional funds, even the gentle sponge, can cause irritation or injury.
  • It is not bad to use for the arms, at least sometimes, the decoctions of various healing herbs, a series of or chamomile is perfect for these purposes. They possess not only cleansing, but also soothing action.
  • The towel in the girl should be their own, children's, so that no one, even by chance, could not use it.

If you observe all these, completely uncomplicated, the rules, then the sexual health of the girl from birth will be excellent and will not deliver anxiety to her nor mom.

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