The method of connecting the electric motor depends on its design features. Some are connected to the network directly, others - only with the help of special additional equipment.
To connect an asynchronous engine, you will need an electrical network with variable voltage. Single-phase and two-phase engines with high resistances are connected to the network directly, without using any additional devices. If you want to run a two-phase motor with less voltage than on your network - you need a capacitor, the denomination of which must be specified on the engine housing. If you have a three-phase engine - in no case do not resort to the help of capacitors, since too high load can cause it stops or breakdown. First, inspect the motor housing and find two voltage values \u200b\u200bon it. Compare them with the indicators of your network. If the smaller value specified on the engine is the same as your network, use the triangle method. If the voltage of your network meets a greater value - plug the "star". Do not forget to ground the motor housing. To change the direction of rotation of the shaft, change any two phases in some places.As you can see, there is nothing complicated in the connection of the electric motor. But despite this, it follows in strict accordance with the safety rules imposed on all electrical work.