How to choose a circuit breaker

How to choose a circuit breaker

Automatic switches, they are also switching protective devices, found their place in almost every house or apartment. It is not surprising, because it is they who provide the protection of existing equipment, the entire dwelling and its inhabitants from random fires and electric shock. If all the devices in the house work in normal mode, the circuit breaker simply leads a current through itself. But there are times when the nominal force is exceeded (that is, an overload occurs) and the machine provides a huge service. How to choose the right device - read on.

First, take care of the safety of the product itself. Buying a circuit breaker is preferable in a specialized store, but not at the uncle around the corner or at the grandfather in the market. Be sure to ask the seller about his origin and ask the documents. As far as everyone knows, cheap Chinese products are not just useless, but sometimes even dangerous.

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Give preference to famous brands. Automatic machines of popular manufacturers are more expensive, but their quality is much better, since great corporations will not risk reputation. If you decide to stay on a fake to save, ask consumer reviews.


For a competent choice, it is worth delving a little further than the appearance of the object. Today, the market presents single -pole and three -pole circuit breakers. The former is installed directly on the phase in a single -phase circuit. The second - installed as introductory machines in a three -phase network. Before buying a machine gun for your home, we recommend a little deeper into this topic.

A considerable role is played by the current overload current. With a single -phase network, it is better to choose the device using the following calculation: let's say 10 kW are allocated to your housing, which means 10,000W/220V \u003d 45.5. If you round to the nearest smaller one, we get the necessary assault rifle at 40A. For a three -phase network, the calculation is carried out in a slightly different formula: I \u003d p/u*1.7. In it, 1.7 is a root of 3, p - 30 kW or 30,000W, and U - 380V. As a result, we get the same machine for 40A, but three -pool.

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Based on the description characteristic, we can draw the following conclusion: one of the available types is suitable for you depending on the purpose of use. In 3-5-the protection of the extended lines of lighting and active loads (sockets, lighting). From 5-10-protection of the chain with low pulsed current (for residential and office premises). D 10-20-for increased current current and high pulses (pumps, transformers, lifts). To 8-15-for electric motors and powerful transformers. Z 2-3-for electronics.

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Next, check the information about the greatest disconnecting ability. That is, about the maximum that the switch can automatically draw. The PSC indicator is calculated from the maximum voltage that can be with a short circuit. According to GOST, an introductory machine can be from 6 KA, a lighting switch and a rosette group should be at least 4.5 KA.

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Also, when buying, you need to understand how many circuit breakers you need. It is customary to install on the shield 1 introductory machine, 1 on the outlet lines, 1 on lighting lines, 1 for each powerful consumer (that is, a washing machine, calorifier, etc.). Thus, you will be sure that overstrain does not threaten you.

Depending on the manufacturer and the quality of the goods, the machine is designed for a specific number of triggers. Therefore, before the purchase, pay attention to this indicator, and then-try not to use it too often to turn it on, turning off the load.

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