How to clean the coconut

How to clean the coconut

Despite the fact that we live far from places where palm trees and coconuts grow on them, today such a nut can be found at any store where fruits are sold (with the exception of very small settlements). Someone eats coconuts, because he considers it an exotic fruit, and someone is more aware of the properties of this product and uses it from other purposes, namely to obtain beneficial components. Let's find out today, what coconut is useful and how to clean it.

Properties of coconut

At first, I would like to note that, unlike other exotic fruits, coconuts inexpensive, so you can attribute this product to affordable. It turns out that buying coconut, you do not spend a lot of money, and get useful components for your body. It is difficult to overestimate the benefit of this nut, because it is consumed both in therapeutic purposes and as a cosmetic component. Not in vain for a long time, a palm tree with coconut was called a vital tree.

For those who do not know, in very young coconuts inside water and juice, and in mature - coconut milk. It should be understood that in the juice of the young fetus there are a lot of useful substances that have a positive effect on the human body, so that its regular use is a useful process. Everything else, such a drink quenches thirst.

Most often on sale you can find ripe coconuts, because while they are transported to us, they ripen completely. For those who do not know, the flesh, which matured quite recently - is used inward, and the dry part of the cocos is already used to produce oil.

The coconut composition is very useful, because it contains:

  • sugar of natural origin
  • fatty acid acids
  • phosphorus, iron and sodium
  • carbohydrates

Consumers acquire coconuts to get rid of food poisoning and diarrhea treatment. In general, use coconut is useful, and also tasty.

Choosing coconut

In fact, Coconut Coconut Main, so, in mandatory you need to know how to choose the Coconut Walnut correctly and what you need to pay your close attention. So, instructions for choosing a delicious ripe coconut:

No deformations should be detected on the coconut surface, so pay attention to the fruits whose shell is not deformed.

If you will see the rest of the coconut milk on the surface of the coconut - do not buy such a fruit, because it means that he cracked somewhere and maybe all the milk from the inside has already flowed.

Take a coconut in my hands, shake it and feel like a milk inside the coconut carries. If this sound did not hear and feel the coconut empty, such a fruit should not take.

When coconut is selected, you can already find out all convenient ways to clean it.

Clean coconut

First you need to note that before cleaning coconut, it is necessary to get rid of the fluid inside it. It cannot be said that this is a binding rule, simply without fluid inside the coconut it will be easier to clean the coconut. The actions that need to be made before cleaning the coconut:

  • First you need to choose a smooth surface on which the coconut will not slide. You can take a fortune of a tree.
  • Now you will need to find several recesses on the surface of the coconut walnut, which are usually located in the top of the fruit. It is these three deepening that are the weakest place in the coconut.
  • In order to work out with you to pierce these holes, it is best to use something sharp, the knife will be the perfect tool for this, but the usual nail will also fit.
  • A sharp tool is piercing one deepening from which the juice will flow. Do not pull several holes at once, because the liquid is completely inconvenient from the inside.

You can clean the coconut in several ways and now we will look at. The first way:

  • Use the usual kitchen knife for cleaning. First you have to cook deep dishes (it can be a small bowl) and it is above this kitter will need to keep coconut. It is in this vessel that the remaining juice will be drained.
  • Now you will need to find a place where two halves of fruit are connected to each other. When you find it, you will find some seam there.
  • Touch the knife gently tapping on this seam and turn the coconut, passing the knife throughout the perimeter of the seam.
  • If working with a knife scares you, then try using the following method.

The second way to clean coconut:

  • Here we will use the hammer.
  • First you need a coke nut to overturn to cellophane (the optimal version is in the food film).
  • Put it in an incovered form on the floor or other strong durable, smooth surface.
  • Just once with a moderate force, hit the coconut in order for it to split into parts.

The following way is as follows:

  • This method can be applied if no hammer nor a knife turned out at hand.
  • Just take the coconut with two hands, find the seam, which divides the surface of the coconut into two parts and press to a strong wall. Remember that there is a liquid inside coconut, so it is predefined to break the hole and pour the liquid into some other container.

The last cleaning method looks like this:

We merge juice from coconut.

  • First heat it, then immediately put it in the freezer. For heating, you can put it in the oven, and freeze - put in the freezer. Cooling time, as well as heating - 12 minutes.
  • Now take the knives and knock on the coconut slightly and it will split into two parts immediately.

Here are such uncompressed and simple ways you can clean the coconut without any particular difficulties.

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