How to sit down orchid baby

How to sit down orchid baby

The reproduction of "kids" is a natural way to get a few new orchid. Like a lot in gardening, the reproduction of orchid is similar to a thorough preparation and creating ideal conditions. So that small orchids successfully come across, it should be understood in all the intricacies of the branches of the kids from the parent plant.

Types of gods and conditions for their appearance

  • Baby itself is not just a subsidiary - it is a natural clone of the parent plant and has all the corresponding characteristics. Due to this, it is such a way of reproduction of orchids is the most popular.
  • The appearance of the kid reminds orchid. She has its roots, stem, leaves and even the color-point shooting sometimes appears. Babes are formed in sinuses at the base of the leaves, on the blooming or roots. It is there that sleeping kidneys are located, which serve for the vegetative form of the reproduction of orchids. Depending on the place of their education, the method of their separation will be different.
  • If the sleeping kidney has activated on the stem orchid, then the kids are called roasting. This usually occurs after a long blossom of the plant. But just long flowering is not enough for children to get healthy and can develop.
  • To wake up the sleeping kidney orchid, it is necessary that the orchid become an adult and had at least 4 large sheets, as well as the developed root system. The awakening of the kidneys occurs when its flowers are already flowing. The most optimal time to start the growth of kids is the end of the spring and the beginning of the summer, while the air should be warm, but not dry.
  • For the successful development of orchid children, you need at least 50% of air humidity and a lot of light at the place of their growing. The color-point escape in front of it is shortened by 2 cm, without affecting the kidneys.

Stimulation of the formation of roots in the messengers

Stimulation in the plant is subject to all, ranging from the very formation of children and ending with their final formation. This requires the necessary tools like moss, films and threads.

  1. Moss lay in water for 30 minutes, until he fell. After that, it is collapsed into a kind of nest and fastened with threads. After that, it is attached to the flowers, attaching the threads to the stalk. It is very important in the process not to damage the gentle stem.
  2. If the humidity in the room is not enough, then the moss is wrapped with a film to increase the humidity under it. In order for the sprout under it, it is raised every day for venting.
  3. So that the plant does not break and not tipped over under the weight of the moss, it is attached to a special support. Moss is sprayed with a mixture of water for watering and a stimulator to germinate the roots. Roots are developing enough to transplant within 6 months.

Preparation and department

Before separation, it is recommended to prepare everything you need in advance so as not to injure the plant more than necessary. For transplantation will be required:

  • Scissors or knife
  • Alcohol or something you can disinfect
  • Activated carbon that is better to crush in advance
  • Baby Transplant Capacity
  • Soil mixture in which they plan to plant a baby

Usually, plastic glasses with a hole at the bottom are used to transplanting small plants. They are easy to use, universal and do not occupy a lot of space. The ground for sprouts is prepared in advance, mixing in equal shares of moss, coal of wood and chopped pine bark.

The correct branch of the kid from the parent plant depends largely in where exactly the babe is located. Each type of kids requires its branch skill.
Department technology include:

  1. Challenges on the stem. It is usually cut off in such a way as to leave a maximum of 2 cm of the stem at the edges. Sections are immediately treated with coal and dried for 25-30 minutes.
  2. Baby grades. These kids are not hurry to separate the formation of the root system. Just make sure that she actually appeared, gardeners separate the roots from the parent plant by the secret. Scroll is treated with coal or cinnamon.
  3. Wrap in a leaf sinus. The secateur carries out it in such a way that another 1.5 cm of the parent plant remains on sprout. Scroll wipe coal and give dry.
  4. The liberated baby, otherwise called the groove, soaked in the nutrient substrate for 15 minutes. Moisture with growth hormone will not only help less injury roots when transplanting, but also stimulates their further growth.
  5. Drainage is laid on the bottom of the tank, and after the orchid's molding itself is planted. Its lower sheets are located above the surface of the Earth, and the earth itself falls asleep portion. In the process of falling asleep, it is better to shake it in the container so that the primer is smaller than the children's root.
  6. After completing the transplant, the land should not be tamped. We also recommend not to water her first few days so that the sections manage to dry. A pot with a new plant is better to temporarily remove from the Sun and rearrange in the half-day, and after adaptation can be transferred to scattered light. Care for grains is no different from the care of motherly plants.

Department and transplantation of orchid champions is a troublesome case, but if everything was carried out according to the rules, young plants easily come down in a new place.

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