How to send voice messages in VK

How to send voice messages in VK

There are cases in which the text message is extremely uncomfortable to write a text message, and a person needs to be noted about something important. Especially for such situations, the service of VKontakte has not been introduced so long ago a new voice message tool. You have enough to write a short audio file and send it to the interlocutor. Such an audio correspondence will be a convenient replacement for text messages. Learn to send such types of files for four simple steps.

Go to the "Messages" tab.

Choose your interlocutor from the list of your correspondence stories. Click on it.

You will have a correspondence with the selected person. Pay attention to the message input field to the right of it you will see a small blue microphone icon. Click it - the message entry immediately starts. Do not let the icon until you write down everything you wanted.

As soon as you remove your finger with the microphone button, the message will be recorded and immediately sent.

The audio file that appears can be heard. He will be visible in correspondence with the interlocutor.

All sent audio files in correspondence with a specific person you can see in the "Show attachments" tab. Be careful, the file goes immediately as you recorded it. You will not cancel the action.

For a more visual example, watch the video below:

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