How to disable energy saving mode

How to disable energy saving mode

Almost every operating system provides energy-saving mode. Despite the relevance and benefit of this function, it does not always happen by the way. The modern user has repeatedly occur the moments of processing information directly by the computer, reinstalling the system, software, download files from the Internet, and suddenly ... computer wig. It is necessary to perform work again, and well, if information and data are subject to recovery, and the sudden termination of work will not harm the system process.

Press the Start menu in the upper left corner of the screen, then open the Control Panel. In the range categories, stop the section "Power Supply". Multiple items will appear on your choice: Economy, balanced, optimized, high performance. This list can complement a few more options, depending on the OS.

To deactivate the function of a sudden termination of work, you must translate a computer from the economical mode to balanced or optimized. You can configure your own mode by activating the parameter functionality or entering the data into the intermediate.

In operating systems of some versions, the change in parameters occurs somewhat differently. In the same section "Power" you will see "Disable Display" and "Disable Disk". Activate the "Never" position and save the changes.

Keep the settings you need to press the button to the appropriate data - "OK", "Apply", "Save Changes". The values \u200b\u200bdiffer depending on the installed and operating system.

If you choose "My Power Plan", you can configure not only the shutdown time of the screen, switch to sleep mode, but also "give a name" to your own programmed process.

For a laptop

If you have no need to disconnect the energy-saving mode, it will be more expedient to leave it. Electricity savings, monitor safety, and increase service life - these are the priorities that are consequences of a careful relationship.

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