Development rate is the most important indicator of labor productivity, which is necessary for the rational use of labor. Indeed, no modern production costs without such calculations. And timely calculation and the compilation of estimates with this parameter are needed for the correct planning process and the normal life activity of the enterprise. Let's see how the output rate is determined.
First you need to familiarize yourself with the production factors that affect the calculation of this indicator. These include:- the degree of technical re-equipment of the enterprise;
- composition of production relations;
- organization of the process of producing finished products.
- introduction of innovative technologies in the enterprise;
- rationalization, as well as certification of jobs;
- installations of new production equipment;
- conducting integrated activities aimed at the increase in labor productivity.
For example, if an employee of the enterprise or a whole team of workers reached a high level of activity due to new equipment and fruitful work - this is the basis for the recalculation of the production rate. As a rule, such results are well stimulated by leadership in the form of award or gratitude.
To determine the production rate, this formula should be used:NSE \u003d PR * h / Mon,
- where Etc - the time period for which it is necessary to set the value of the norm (expressed in hours, minutes);
- C. - the number of employees involved in work;
- N - The rate of time spent on creating a unit of the product (measured in man-hours).
The calculated indicator may be expressed in meters, pieces, liters, as well as units of weight measurement, area, etc. It depends on the type of work performed or manufactured products.
Then proceed to calculate the level of production. For this, the number of produced goods (services) is divided into normal. For clarity, we consider an example: the production rate is 10 pieces of products per hour, and the number of manufactured goods is 11, then the level of production in the percentage will be equal to 110%. If you calculate for workers who use automated equipment, the formula of the production rate will look like this:Nyr \u003d Nwter * CPV,
- where NVTER - theoretical value of the indicator;
- CPV - The coefficient of useful time (for 1 shift).
When carrying out settlements in the enterprise with mass production The runtime is determined as follows:
Nyr \u003d PSM / Veda,
- where PSM. - duration of shift;
- Ved. - Time spent on the production of one product (services).

- hour;
- day;
- month;
- year.
In this case, a detailed analysis of the number of goods (services) produced by the employee or the whole team of workers is carried out. The calculation of this indicator is made by the enterprise normalizer, especially in the case of the transfer of the value of the employee's salary in the production coefficient. The data obtained are recorded in the Modeling Regulation on the laboring system.

Download from us on the portal:
Sample model provision on the laboring system of the production enterprise;
Major formulas and calculations to determine the norm of development in the enterprise.
It is always necessary to approach the calculations carefully and with great responsibility. After all, the correctness of the planning and economic statements in the enterprise depends on this.